What a wonderful 5 days I had in Chicago...I arrived on Tuesday, Josh pickied me up at the airport and took me home. We walked 3 blocks to dinner that night, with Hampton in the stroller all bundled up and back home and then I never left the condo until yesterday morning to go back to the airport. That is the first time in YEARS that I have spent that many days inside and I never got antsy. It was a wonderful time. I spent many, many hours holding and talking to "my little man". He's gotten so big in 9 weeks I can hardly believe it. Leaving yesterday morning was so hard...It was snowing pretty hard and I told Hampton I thought I might just have to stay for the winter, he smiled the biggest smile, dimples and all and made the sweetest sound and I was done...everybody told me that there is nothing like and grandbaby, a feeling that is just beyond words...I thought they were nuts...WRONG! Nothing else in the world matters when you have that baby in your arms. I can't wait to get back and hold him for hours again. Back to reality :( I have a long list of To Do's so I better get moving.