Well, I thought I was ready...that's what I get for thinking...About 2 weeks ago Katie called and said that they had taken Hampton and Camden to see Santa

and that Hampton had told Santa that the only thing he wanted for Christmas was SC Ruffey...Yes, it's one of Thomas the Train's friends and it's RETIRED! Recently retired, but retired none the less. So what does Mamie do? Go online...I spent about 2 hours online and finally found one...it cost almost twice what it cost when they were available everywhere and the shipping was more than that...but it was for Hampton and that's all he wanted from Santa. I put in the comment section that it was very important that they not send it to the billing address, that I needed them to send it to the shipping address, which was Katie and Josh's address...I explained how very important this was, they were going to make a little boy's Christmas...their response was "No problem"...yes you know where this is going. I came home from my day with mom yesterday and what was in my stack of mail...the train. So this morning I was at UPS the moment the opened and spent another small fortune to overnight this little train to Hampton so it would get there for Christmas. Fingers crossed...please UPS come through for me!
I've been getting a little sewing done...finished another Charming Girls goal for December. I got the binding on last year's Designer BOM from The Fat Quarter Shop

. I absolutely love this quilt...the fabrics are wonderful and it's a great size...perfect for snuggling on the couch.
I also got this month's Designer BOM block done

...this was a fun one and this Glace fabric is so pretty. This is going to be one gorgeous quilt. Here's my Cindy Lou Who Schnibble from a couple of months ago

made from Glace...I got the binding on just in the knick of time.
Last pic for today...this is the picture that the kids used for their Christmas card

...Katie's been smocking up a storm.
My wish for all of you is a very Merry Christmas! Take time to enjoy the day!