Thursday, August 31, 2006
Ernesto is Gone
Just a real quick note before I head off to the shop...Ernesto is gone from our area. We got a good bit of rain but that was it. We are very thankful that he fizzled out. Lots of folks are complaining because everything was closed down yesterday, but you know what, as a small business I'll take one day with no income as opposed to the mass destruction we've seen with so many of these storms that have come through in the past couple of years. I've lived here 40 years and have never seen storms like we've had in the past couple of years. But all is well, back to the shop. The other good news is that I got to sew almost all day yesterday!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Blogger Cooperated

I'm Finally Back
Our son and daughter-in-law got in Friday night, their plane was very late...but it was so wonderful to see them. We had the shower on Sunday and it was just great. I had it catered because I just didn't have time to do all the food stuff. We served lunch and they did an unbelieveable job. We had about 45 people here and our 2- 90 pound yellow labs. It was wonderful. The one dog, Zack spent most of the day out on the back deck with the guests that were outside and Howie spent most of the day inside with the guests that were eating. Howie loves FOOD! Any kind of I had to beg everyone not to feed him. He would eat until he got sick. The kids (I guess I shouldn't call them kids anymore, they will both be 29 next month, but I guess they will always be kids to me) have great friends, we really enjoyed them all. They got the most wonderful gifts. This little boy will need nothing. He has enough outfits that they can change his clothes many times a day. They were able to get everything packed up in the extra suitcases that they brought so I didn't have to ship anything. Oh, I almost forgot...they loved the quilt. Katie just squealed and wrapped herself in it...Josh had tears in his eyes. That's why we quilt :)
Well, I'm off to the back deck to make sure that I don't have any plants that will blow away today in the storm. They are calling for 3-5 inches of rain for us from Ernesto today with winds of 30-35 mph gusting to 40-50mph. The good news is that it didn't build itself to a hurricane...the rain we can handle. There shouldn't be any lightning so I should be able to sew all afternoon. YIPPEE!
Well, I'm off to the back deck to make sure that I don't have any plants that will blow away today in the storm. They are calling for 3-5 inches of rain for us from Ernesto today with winds of 30-35 mph gusting to 40-50mph. The good news is that it didn't build itself to a hurricane...the rain we can handle. There shouldn't be any lightning so I should be able to sew all afternoon. YIPPEE!
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Baby Quilt is Done
I couldn't be happier...the baby quilt is done. I finished the binding last night, the shower is Sunday afternoon. Story of my life...give me a deadline and it will get done. My son and daughter-in-law arrive tonight from Chicago for the weekend. We're hosting the shower here at our house on Sunday afternoon. There will be 45 or so's a couple"s shower so it should be great fun. I wanted to post a picture but Blogger would not cooperate this morning. I'll try again later. I was so glad to hear that Judy is OK, just Blogger problems. I sure did miss reading her blog every day. Patti asked the question...Why do I quilt? I quilt for many reasons...I love fabric...I love the process of is therapy for me, whenever I need a quiet place to go, I go to my quilting. I can sew for 20 minutes and feel a million times better. Quilting connects me to wonderful friends both past and present. I love to look at old quilts and imagine the people that made them. What were their lives like? Why did the use the fabrics they used? Who were they? Quilting gives us all a real connection.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Back on Track
I am just thrilled...the baby quilt top is done...I sewed the back together this morning. I'm a day ahead! Yippee! The quilter will pick it up tomorrow morning and have it back to me on Monday. I'll get the binding on and it will be ready for the shower Sunday. I'm going to let them take it with them and then I'll make the label when he arrives and sew it on when we go up when he's born. Chicago in December...I'll need many quilts. So I'm back on track. I can do Hour # 2 then I'll be ready to start putting blocks together. I have several others going on at the same time but Judy's project is kind of a break. It's been lots of fun seeing everyone's blocks.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
No Hour #2 Today
Unfortunately there will be no Hour #2 for me today...I'll be sewing but not on this project. I've been working on a baby quilt for my son and daughter-in-law. There is a shower for them on the 27th of this the back of my mind I thought I could maybe get the quilt done and then put it out of my mind. Well, I went way outside the box today and asked a gal that does some quilting for some of my customers what the chance of squeezing a small quilt in would be. She said, "If I can pick it up Friday, I can have it back to you Monday and then you can get the binding on"...Oh my goodness, that was not the answer I expected but a good one. She said she was doing 10 quilts (all the same Christmas quilt) for a lady and she didn't have the thread the lady wanted so she had to order it...she was kind of at a stand still so she could squeeze me in. YIPPEE! except I'm going to have to sew like a mad woman. There are a zillion half square triangles so that's what I'll be doing tonight. I'll do my Hour #2 and probably #3 this weekend after the baby quilt is done. How do I get myself into these things?
Monday, August 14, 2006
Hour #1

I have completed Hour are my first 52 half square triangles...13 stacks of 4...I'm looking forward to Hour #2's assignment. It is truly amazing how much I got done in that hour (a wee bit over) tonight...I was focused...cut my squares out, I had pulled my fabric earlier, and sewed pressed and trimmed. I'll check in tomorrow night.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thank you so much Finn and leah s...I knew that you all would have the answer. I wasn't putting it on my computer I was just trying to download from the camera and it just wasn't working. I am so excited that I learned something new today. Well, here is my Bowtie quilt that I talked about a couple of days ago. Lots of fun and looks really old. When I have it quilted I'll take another picture. My husband left this morning at 6am for a business trip to Denver. He'll be gone until Wednesday afternoon. Needless to say I have lots of sewing time planned. I must spend some time today working on the baby quilt for my son and daughter-in-law's first baby. I'm going to be a grandma for the first time. There is a shower for them on the 27th of this month so I'll have the top done and show it to them but then I'll have to get it quilted. Nothing like doing this by the seat of my pants. Well, I do always work better with a deadline. Off to the sewing room! Thank you again for your help. I'm having lots of fun!
Friday, August 11, 2006
For all you technologically savvy gals...please help this pitiful technologically non-savy gal. I've been trying to get my bowtie picture on my blog this morning and just can't get it to work. I have an older camera...Canon's more than likely the operator though. Thanks for any help. I think once I get beyond this hurdle I will be a real blog addict I am just having so much fun getting to know some of you all. Someone mentioned that it is addicting. That is very true...I check daily to see what you all are up to. I love the inspiration. I think once I get beyond this hurdle I will be a real blog addict ...can't wait!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
It is a very happy day in my world today! My very scrappy bow tie quilt is done. I was off yesterday, so after getting all my errands done in the morning I got to sew all afternoon. Up at 5am this morning (thank you Patti) and got it done. It's a sample for a class and I set a goal to have it ready to take into the shop this morning and I am very happy to say the top is done! I love the top...81 light and 81 dark (all diffrent) reproduction fabrics...and a brown setting fabric...just doesn't get any better than that. I'll try to post a picture. Thanks for letting me share my excitement with all of you...someone commented yesterday that this was addicting and I really think she was very right...but I love it!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Wonderful Sunday!
I'm almost embarrassed to say that I had an absolutely wonderful Sunday but I didn't get much quilty stuff done. I work at the shop on Saturday so I really only have one day with my husband, I've been working like crazy lately and not spending much time at all with I decided this week I'd spend Sunday with him...went to Starbuck's first thing in the morning, came home and we worked on trimming some bushes before it got too hot to breathe and then we went out to our pool. Sat, read, floated around in the pool on my pool lounge chair, read some more, took a little nap and just enjoyed his company for the afternoon. We don't take time out often enough to do that. We grilled a wonderful piece of salmon on the grill, had a tossed salad, some wine and called it a day. So today I'm back in the swing again. Up at 5 am and in the sewing room at 5:15...I sewed on a reproduction bow tie quilt for an hour and took the dogs for a long walk. As soon as I finish here I'll go back to sew for a bit before I have to get ready to go to the shop. I must remember to take a little more time like I did Sunday!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
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