Friday, January 18, 2008

We are Having Some Fun!

I know, I're wondering where in the heck we are...I got here Wednesday afternoon and we hit 2 quilt shops before we headed home. By the time we ate and talked and laughed and talked and laughed I was pooped...Eastern time to Pacific time...YIKES! Thursday morning we got up bright and early and headed to the show...we could not find a place to park the car...the lots were FULL! We finally found a place where a bunch of cars were parked and as we were leaving for the convention center a man said the owner was calling the police to ticket all these guessed it...we were out of there. Can't keep us down...we went to a quilt shop. We went to Quilter's Coop in Temecula and was it ever cute...what a great shop. We bought some fabric and put some of Sharon's with it and almost made a whole quilt top last night. We just have to put the sashing and borders on. Fun, fun, fun.
We headed out for the quilt show at 8 this a parking space and we were in the door without any trouble today. Bought lots of goodies...but since I was a Ding Bat and forgot the cord for my camera I'll have to wait until I get home.
Tomorrow we're going to San Diego and Country Loft and a couple other know we're going to be in some trouble there. I can't wait.
I'll check in with you all again.
Have a great Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I have been sitting here at work all day hoping you guys got into the show today. I can't wait to see the quilt you two are putting together over there! DH and I are going to San Diego next weekend, I already informed him we are going to Country Loft at the very least, I will be happy if I get to go to that one. Have fun!

Perry said...

I think you are still floating a little; can't believe you didn't bring your camera connection? lol Your brains got scrambled from all that jumping up and down I guess. Sounds like you two are having so much fun! That is wonderful!

Juliann in WA said...

How fun! Hope you are taking pictures too. Got my package - thanks!

Darlene said...

Fun, fun, fun - can't wait to see the quilt. I was hoping you'd make a quilt or two while you two were together!

Thelma and Louise - yep that's who you two remind me of. LOL

Libby said...

Man, I am so glad you guys got a chance to go to the show today. Quilter's Coop is a great shop - fun ladies work there *s* Have a great time at Country Loft . . . more fun in store there. Call if you want some lunch suggestions.

antique quilter said...

Glad you got in the show! Sharon must have been a bit of challenge for her to get up that early :)
Oh can't wait to see the quilt top you two made, what fun!
Country Loft oh so exciting can't wait to hear all about it, looks like an awesome shop to me! One I would love to visit in person

Anne Heidi said...

Sounds like you're having loads of fun! Hope to see some pictures later...

Karen said...

Sounds like you are having a ball! Lots of stories to tell when you get back home. And the pink tiara, it looks really good.

Yvonne said...

I think you two are having way too much Can't wait to see the quilt. Looking forward to hearing more of the adventures. :)

Nan said...

You can't keep a good quilter down for nuthin', can you? You girls didn't even miss a beat about not finding parking - I'm proud of you both! I'm looking forward to photos of what you bought when you did get in! You're having a heavenly visit, as far as I'm concerned - just like I knew it would be! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

Ginger Patches said...

It was fun meeting you last night!
Have a wonderful rest of the week, I know you will :)

Christine said...

Glad you got into the quilt show the second time. It will be good to see some photos later. Keep enjoying yourself.

Cindy said...

It sounds like you are having a blast Carol. Can't wait to hear about all of your purchases that you have made.

Shelina said...

How awful that they didn't make some kind of adjunct parking area available so that everybody could attend the show. I'm glad you were able to go the next day anyway. I look forward to seeing your pictures. I don't think I would have remembered the cord either!

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to meet you after you, finally made it to the show! Thanks for visiting!!