I am thrilled to say that today was a very productive day...it rained and rained and rained today, and I loved every minute of it...well not the minutes that we had to walk dogs, that really didn't want do what we were out there for, because they were getting wet...Zack got distracted with the rain coming down and Howie just plain didn't want to be outside...he hates water. Don't ask, Yes he's a lab and he hates water. But the rest of the day I was upstairs having some fun!
I finished the borders on my Spice Cake top

...a big thank you to
Nicole for her inspiration...she posted this quilt back in January and I just loved it...I ordered the pattern by Mary's Cottage Quilts but then I e-mailed Nicole and she got me started on the cutting because you I just couldn't wait until the pattern arrived...got it all cut and then it got pushed to the back of the table, there were other things that needed to be done. So late this week the "guts" as
Darlene says got done and today I put the borders on. I used Hopscotch by Chloe's Closet/MODA...I didn't have a layer cake, but I had fat quarters and made my own 10" squares... and KONA Snow...it is so much fun. It will be going to my friend Mary...she's going to be a grandma for the 4th time...I made her a quilt for the first grandbaby but I think she'll be needing another. This is a big quilt, so it will be great to throw on the floor when the grandkids come.
Then I've been seeing all these Whirlygig quilts in blogland...I bought the template a while ago

when I saw Stephanie over at
Loft Creations do her first one. I've had the template tucked in a very safe place. Well, this was the time to cut all the white pieces out

...so I have half of the quilt cut...now I just need to get the colors cut and I'll be ready to rev up that old Bernina. A tip I learned from Carrie, of Miss Rosie's Quilt Company, was to use this Nexcare Flexible tape on the back of the template to keep it from shifting

...this was one of the best tips EVER! that little template didn't go anywhere...my sewing room will never be without that tape...she has a picture of it over on her
blog...I found it in Target. LOVE IT!
So cutting (I didn't count this back in January when I cut it...I guess I wasn't sure it was really going to get busted) and borders and cutting some more I used some stash this week...makes me very happy.
Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 10.75 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 8.75 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 79.5 yards
Total Busted: 68.75 yards
I'm heading downstairs to watch some NCAA Basketball...love March Madness!