Sunday, January 31, 2010

Screeching in Under the Wire

Well here I am as usual...out of breath, just in the nick of January Schnibble is done...I used Sandy Gervais' Valentine fabric...this is really pretty far out of my box...but it was lots of fun. I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what the February Schnibble is going to be.


Darlene said...

Whew - done! :-) It's beautiful, Carol.

Carol said...

I love your L'Amour Madeline quilt. Very nice. I'm also looking forward to what the February Schnibbles will be.

Cindy said...

Oh Carol, I'm loving the Madeline done in L'Amour fabrics. I don't think one can do anything wrong with this fabric - I just love it.

Unknown said...

very pretty! The line works perfectly. I'm anxious to see next month's schnibble too.

Anne said...

Very cute...I'm sure you'll be happy you stepped out of your box when Valentine's day arrives and you have a darling quilt to put on the table.

Dandelion Quilts said...

Catch your breath! LOL. It is cute. I just love that fabric line. It made for a darling Madeline quilt. I am liking these that went with Valentine's themes the most so fun to see the different color ways.

Anonymous said...

Breath!!!! You made it and it is fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I don't belong to the monthly Schnibbles thing, but I did order a pile of the patterns today to add to my stash.

Jeanne said...

Love it, Carol! How does the monthly Schnibbles work?

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

LOVE IT -- very cute! I think I'm going to have to make another Madeline in Sandy's fabric! Also, so glad I'm not the only one who waits until the last minute LOL!

Gypsy Quilter said...

Charmingly cheerful.

joan said...

Love it! Take a deep breath! Time to turn the calender page already!Another month and more projects!
Happy sewing.

Gretchen said...

Love it!! And it's ready for February!!! Good for you!!! I think I need to start on Halloween quilts right now so maybe they will be done in time lol!

Ariane said...

I love it!! It looks great!!!

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful! Love your fabric selection. I love the Madeline pattern.

Laura said...

Very cute!

Karen said...

Good for you. I didn't manage to screech in under the wire for January but I am getting close to finishing what I wanted to do in January.

Allie said...

That is absolutely darling, Carol - and just in time!

Jenni said...

Very nice, and all ready for Feb 14.

Wendy said...

Wow that's gorgeous, Love the fabrics.

Thelma said...

Great Job Carol, I love it. My plan was to finish my current project on 1/30 leaving today to work on Madeline...well you know what they say about best laid plans, I've probably got 2 days left on current project. I think I'll just move on to February Schnibbles!


Jonathan said...

That is gorgeous! Great job!

Nedra said...

Good job Carol!

Thimbleanna said...

It's adorable Carol -- a great just under the wire finish!!!

Little Lady Patchwork said...

As always Carol...I love it!

Hope you had a good weekend!

Loris said...

Great use of Valentine fabric. The quilt looks very fun and cute!

Lisa D. said...

Beautifully done, Carol! So pretty in the Valentine fabric!

Lori said...

That will be so cute for February decorating. Way to go on the finish!

Nicole said...

That is just so darn cute!

Michelle said...

Isn't that pretty!!!

Teresa said...

Looks good to me...and why get it done early and miss that excitement?

em's scrapbag said...

Very nice. I love the fabric you used!

Cheryl said...

Woohoo...great job on getting it done! Love the fabric. Sadly another month for me, and no Schnibble. One of these months I'll surprise everyone!

Shakerwood said...

Well, you did better than I did. I only finished part of one quilt. Good job!

Sherri said...

I love your quilt!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Very cute Carol. I like it.

an encourager said...

That Madeline quilt is striking! I love looking at it!

Corrie said...

I'd like a Valentine quilt -- it looks good on Madeline.

Ginger Patches said...

LOVE it!! What a perfect pattern for that fabric!

Teresa Marie said...


Linda in Arkansas said...

Hey Carol, I'm with the Charming Girls and I also listed pillowcases for my February projects. Here it is 2/24 and I've only done 1! I love the Civil War BOM you have. I can certainly see why it was calling to you. Hopefully you were able to get this month's BOM done. I can't wait to see it.

Linda in Calif.