Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Broken Record

I know I'm showing my age with that title...but my mom would sure say, I sound like a broken record...where is the time going?...why is it flying?...how did it get to be the middle of January?...In all the time I haven't blogged I should certainly have tons to show you...but I don't...what have I done with all this time? We have done a lot of cleaning out...clothes, shoes, purses, kitchen stuff...if we haven't used it this past year...it's gone! There are so many people that could really use this stuff and it's sitting in our closets...we were ruthless...really if we hadn't used it in 2010 it's gone. Now, please notice I did not say that I did that in the sewing room...that rule does not apply there.
I am really feeling good about "decluttering".

I did get some sewing done...I've been working to finish up the Civil War Tribute quilt...I finished the big star block in the center over the weekend...that was the last block...now to get the rows together and the borders on...I've decided that I'm just going to put 2 plain borders on and leave off the half square triangle border that they put on the outside...this quilt has really, really tried my patience, tested my abilities and caused me to say many bad words...I think I've even made up a few...so it just needs to be DONE! Hopefully tomorrow it will be finished.


Yvette said...

I just started this quilt.
I adore what you have done, it really is beautiful. I am thinking I am going to switch up and do the center block next month so I can put it together as I go.

Darlene said...

You can play your 'broken record' anytime you want I enjoy listening to it. LOL

Your quilt is stunning but I'm sorry it caused you to use 'wordy dirds' (dirty words) teehee :-)

Carol said...

Carol, your Civil War Tribute quilt is so nice, but now you have me scared to make mine. Sounds like the kind of thing that would make my dogs run and hide. That's great that you did some de-cluttering, we definitely need to do that too. I don't blame you a bit for doing simple borders I would do the same thing.

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

Your quilt is stunning!! Sometimes its those beautiful quilts that bring out the "nasty Quilter" in us, but the end results are well worth it!! As long as no one crosses our stitchin path along the way...lol!!

Kate said...

Your quilt looks great! Bet you cant wait to have it finished :-)

Michele said...

Carol, I love the quilt.....congratulations on being so close to done! I wish you well for finishing it tomorrow...it looks like it was a challenge. I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one cleaning out in the last few weeks. In my last blog post I mentioned doing the same thing:) It's a good feeling isn't it? At least when the cleaning out is done, anyway!!

Amy said...

Your quilt is wonderful. Luv all the different colors you used in it.

Lynn said...

your blocks look beutiful. i did this quilt as a shop sample last jan. it about drove me nuts , i had month to get it done and quilted. please rethink your borders they are a pain to make but they also make it come together.

Gretchen said...

Great job doing all that decluttering!!! A wonderful way to start the new year. In spite of all the difficulties, the CW quilt is beautiful!

Teresa said...

The quilt looks great!

I just love decluttering - always feels so good once its done.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Decluttering is hard work!~ way to go! Your quilt is gorgeous and it will have been worth the struggles when you are snuggling under it. :-) Have a good week!

Dawn said...

Carol ~ this is going to be just beautiful!

Sharon said...

WOW...your Civil War quilt is gorgeous! All your bad words and frustration paid off...love it! And congrats on your closet cleaning...I made it through one so far. I agree, you have to be ruthless and just get rid of it!

Melanie said...

This quilt is going to be beautiful-- a real keeper. Remember Gone with the Wind-- Scarlet says, "Worry about it tomorrow...." Sewing room clutter isn't going anywhere.....Smile and Sew....

Loris said...

It is clear to me that your quilt required alot of work especially with all those hst's. But it sure is beautiful and looks wonderfully crafted. Stunning!

Jonathan said...

That quilt is gorgeous Carol! Way to go on the de-cluttering!

Dandelion Quilts said...

This is just going to be magnificent, Carol. You are so good with detailed quilts like this...love it.

Diane said...

love the quilt top!!It's wonderful even if it caused some 'swears' (as my kids used to call them) :)
Oh I love clearing out clutter too! Just dropped off 2 bags to local center this morning. Seriously, where does it all come from....crazy.

Linda said...

Your CWT quilt is amazing! I feel your frustrations too. I put mine away after the third month. Some day when I have nothing else to do, I'll get it out again! :-)

Rita said...

Carol, I just finished month 9 and 10 and all I can is....whoa! This quilt certainly has been a challenge but I feel I have really sharpened my piecing skills. I'm just about to start my center block. You quilt is beautiful and your piecing looks wonderful. Following your blog has given me inspiration to continue on with this BOM.

Kim Brackett said...

I love your title. I never really thought about being old enough to know what that means, but I guess it has been a while since I played a record. :-)

Your Civil War Tribute quilt is awesome! It'll be so worth the trouble when you have it finished and you're able to display and enjoy it. Great job!

joan said...

Oh I know all about cleaning and de-cluttering last year's unused stuff.. but guess what? Since I did that I have been wishing I had some of the things I got rid of!!!
I love your quilt.. It really is beautiful, gorgeous and even with all its blessings (LOL) you gave it, I bet to see it all done is worth it right?

annieb said...

Your quilt is beautiful! Every once in awhile we encounter those quilts that try our patience, so good for you for sticking to it!

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...


your quilt really is a beautiful one!! Those are some challenging blocks too, but look they are done!!
I think you simple borders will frame it nicely.

Allie said...

LOL - time passes quickly when we're busy - I'm feeling the very same way! Your CW quilt is so gorgeous, but if it has been frustrating then I can understand why you'd just want it done!

Thimbleanna said...

That quilt is going to be beautiful Carol! I so envy your decluttering -- I desperately need to do some of that around here!

Carole said...

Your top is looking lovely. Yes, it was a challenging quilt. The instructions were not the best, hence why with the Chronicle quilt they have hired professional pattern designers! lol The 2 plain borders (red and blue) work beautifully! I've seen it and it has also been recommended by moi to my customers. Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

Quilts And Pieces said...

It looks wonderful, but I"ve heard a lot about trying to piece that quilt from others too!

Kim said...

Hey there. :) Lovely and challenging quilt project you have going here. I thought deciding to declutter and then actually starting was the hardest part of clearing out unused stuff. Letting go of stuff hasn't been so hard, so far, lol, but I haven't been completely ruthless in the sewing room - not yet. :(

Barb said...

That is one awesome quilt!

AnnieO said...

It is a beautiful quilt! Sometimes reaching the "I can't stand to work on this any more" portion of the quilt-making process causes lots of bad words around here too!

Decluttering is time consuming--no wonder you've been away. Good rule of thumb to use. We're feeling pretty buried in possessions too.

Anne said...

The quilt is gorgeous. Hang in there, you'll be glad you did. I'm dreading the decluttering and purging when we move. The thought of packing up the house makes me ill! I need to get busy and get going on it. Love your idea of getting rid of anything not used in 2010. Gonna try that one.

antique quilter said...

the quilt is beautiful, hopefully you will love it when its all done, I think thats a great idea to just finish it !
ah yes declutttering happened here over the past few months and it feels great.
I love opening closets and seeing lots of space...
the kitchen cabinets no long explod when you open them up, why did I need 4 spatulas or 4 sets of measuring cups and all that tupperware, GONE!
donated ....winter coats to a local charity that were thrilled to get them, made us feel good. YOur right so much stuff we all have hidden that people could use now!
Yes I did the sewing room too and it feels good!
have a great day

Thelma said...

For some reason this project of yours popped into my head the other day, I'm so happy to see an update, plus the amount of progress you've made. Wow, you should be proud, this project has used a great deal of your time, and patience it seems. I love it and am sure you'll love it too once it's done!

Congratulations on your decluttering...that must feel great!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Stunning! Sometimes creative language is very necessary. :o)

I did some serious cleaning out after the new year started. I have much more to do. May I just say I never want to have a basement again...unless it's all sewing studio.

Shakerwood said...

As much as I admire the quilt (and I really do), I was really admiring the stash of fabric around the edge of the picture!!

Nedra said...

You and I have been doing the same thing! I always feel good about de-cluttering because I know there are people who will treasure the things I no longer use.

Cornfield Quilter said...

Absolutely Gorgeous!! I have entered the give-a-way at Hancock's of Paducah for this quilt kit and I pray that I win it. I love the this quilt and since seeing yours it is even better than I imagined!

Lori said...

Your quilt is amazing!!! I bet it is even better in real life!

Shelina said...

It is beautiful Carol - definitely worth the effort. Hopefully you will forget the pain, and only remember the joy when you look at the finished quilt.

Nicole said...

That is one beautiful quilt! I can't wait to see it quilted. Sometimes the quilts that are most resistant to getting made end up being the most gorgeous in the end.

Cornbread and Beans Quilting said...

Just wanted to let you know that I think your civil war quilt is OUT OF THIS WORLD gorgeous!!!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

YIPPEE - Carol's back (smile)! Way to go on decluttering - you must feel SO good! And, I know it's been a pain Carol - but your Civil War quilt is GORGEOUS - absolutely gorgeous! Glad I'm not the only one who says bad words when stitching frustrates me LOL! Can't wait to see it with the borders.

Anonymous said...

Your word up is ENJOY.....I'm enjoying your quilt top! It is a beauty and sometimes the best things are those that are most difficult and try our patience. This is truly a beauty Carol....I love it!! I'm so glad you never gave up...well worth in the end for sure!

Cheryl said...

We have been doing the same thing Carol....I've been to Good Will 3 times this week. It feels good to declutter and donate. Love your Tribute quilt...it's a beauty even though it drove you crazy!! Well worth all your work.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

That quilt is beautiful Carol. It's just wonderful.

Karen said...

Doesn't decluttering feel good! Congrats on tackling that. AND even bigger congrats on getting to the stage where you are ready to border "THAT quilt"! It is really beautiful. I have this feeling that I will be decluttering my blocks one day rather than making it! As much as I love the end result getting there is just so difficult :-)
Maybe I'll just keep coming back and looking at yours to fill up on some inspiration.

Cindy said...

Carol, you have made me LOL - with the possibility of "many new words"...LOL

I just finished going through my closet - and now I realize I am NOT finished. I just want all those OLD things gone so I am going through it once again - I want REDUCTION !!!

No, I agree - that does not apply to our sewing rooms....for now.

Lisa D. said...

Wow - your Civil War quilt is amazing! Beautiful!

Me and My Stitches said...

Let me just say...I love this quilt - but I HATE SET-IN SEAMS!!!! I will probably never get this finished because a couple of the blocks are making me angry!!!

Karen said...

This is stunning. Whatever you went thru, you will be so glad when you snuggle up under this. It is wonderful.

Carrie P. said...

Wow, your quilt is stunning.