Oh I am just so excited I can hardly stand it ...last night we got a call from Josh...he, Katie and HAMPTON are coming to see us Monday...they will arrive Monday late afternoon and head home on Friday...so I get to have my little man for several days. So today was spent doing some cleaning, company's coming so I need to clean like a crazy woman...Andy and I cleaned all of the shutters in the house today...I have them on every window...lots of shutters to clean, but you know Hampton will need to look out the window and we can't have any dust on the shutters. Tomorrow will be the baseboards, grocery shopping, need to get diapers, oh my list is getting long...guess there won't be any sewing going on this week, but I'm just fine with that. I'll give up sewing time any day for time with Hampton and his mom and dad.
The kids will leave on Friday and then I'm leaving on Sunday late morning on a retreat with some gals from South Florida. I'll be home Wednesday afternoon. I am so thrilled that they invited me. They have been doing this retreat for years and since I closed the shop they invited me to join them. I've been getting my projects together to go...Andy asked me today how long I thought I was going to be gone, cause it sure looked like a lot of projects going. Well, uninterrupted sewing time, I may get tons done. I'll take lots of pictures.
I finished the binding on the baby quilt that
Sharon quilted for me...I just love this quilt...you know the old song "We Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends"...well that's the song for this quilt...Sharon quilted it for me and it is wonderful...she quilted the cutest daisies on it that just enhances the 30's fabrics

and then look at this binding

...this was in the goodie box that
Cindy sent me...could it be more perfect?...I love how it looks with both the front and the back of the quilt.
And then you know how I love mail...well I got a box from one of my favorite online quilt shops.

When I had the shop, I rarely ordered from online shops, because I pretty much had whatever I needed in the shop. Well since I closed the shop in August I NEED fabric and patterns...this box came from
Fat Quarter Quilters...they have great customer service...they are very efficient and get the order out almost immediately. Deb does a great newletter every Saturday and she always has great recipes in each newsletter. I love the Just Around the Corner section...I'm drooling over the keyboard.
I also got these little cuties in today's mail

...I participated in a mini 9 patch swap on the Jo Morton Yahoo group...I just love them.
This got pretty long this evening...thanks for sticking with me...Have a wonderful evening!