, so there he is...Handy Andy the Cleaning Man. I made sure I asked if his insurance was paid up...I don't think he thought that was as funny as I did.
When we got done with the chores, I did 2 more Civil War Love Letter Blocks...Severe Fighting
...my Civil War Diary book should be arriving tomorrow...then I'll have more to show, cause I need to catch up.
I got my last Web Sampler block today from Quakertown Quilts so I'll get it cut tomorrow and I'll have another one to take on the retreat.
Before I shut down for the night...I want to share the downside of putting our lives out here like an open book. As you know I posted the other day about how sad I was that the kids weren't going to be able to come for their visit. All of you, my friends were so incredibly supportive and I felt so much better. Then I got a message from someone that I DO NOT know and have never heard of, chastising me for being selfish and only thinking of my feelings and not thinking about the kids and their being sick. I was devastated at first and then I was just plain mad. Who the heck does she think she is...she doesn't know me or anything about me...didn't write the comment on my blog because she saw all of your comments...you know if these people have so darn much to say, why don't they say it in the public forum? OK, sorry, I'm done...but whew, I feel better. Thank you all my very special blogland friends...somedays it would be darn hard without you.
Have a great evening.
Sooooooooo give it up!!! Who is this witch??? Let's us at her. Guess she wasn't brave enough to post on your blog after what Sally went thru. LOL!!!! We all know you miss your little guy and just wanted to spend some time with him. But of course you understand that if he's sick, he's sick and can't come. Grrrrrrr LET ME AT HER!!!
I don't believe you were being selfish at all, you just wanted to spend a little time with your kids. People just need to keep their nasty comments to themselves especially when they don't even know you. What in the world was Andy thinking being up there. I see he was wearing shorts today. We are getting ready for another snow storm.
Don't spend anytime thinking about nasty people. There are too many BFFs around to send you hugs & luv!
Your pics are great!!!
Oh for Pete's Sake what is wrong with people??? I'm with Sharon...tell us who it was...publish that e-mail heehee let us at her LOL!!! The people who count know where your heart was in this (we know you're a sweetie pie) so don't worry about nasty old troublemakers!!!!
What mother/grandmother wouldn't be disappointed? Some people.......
Some people seriously need to get a life! How pathetic to sit and email nasty judgmental comments. Didn't her mother ever teach her "if you don't have anything nice to say..." Just remember, for every person like that there are a hundred who interpreted your comment the way I did- that you love your kids and grandkids so much to be disappointed that they wouldn't be visiting.
I went back and re-read your blog--I thought maybe I had missed something! Nope! I don't see how anyone could read "selfish" in that blog. She must have been having a PMS day or something.
I hope the kids all are well soon so you can have your reunion. Ooooh, I understand missing the little (and big) ones. Ours are 2600 loooong miles away.
I had a similar comment some time back from "Anonymous". I don't let people comment anonymously anymore. If you're going to criticize then at least have the guts to show who you are, I say!
Oh, Gee... those nasty people are nothing better to do.
I'm so sorry to hear that your family has been sick. and you, I hope your feeling will be better soon.
Your Handy Andy (I love this nickname!) is mighty handy. *S*
I love your CWD&L blocks. Love the color of your Severe Fighting.
It's very beautiful.
I'd love to use this color scheme on my block too!
Oh, Carol sorry you had an email like that...Love your new CW blocks...
oh gosh Handy Andy is brave and you too for watching him
that would have made me soooo nervous!
These guys think they are still 20!
Hey-- your guy is a keeper!!!Great blocks... Hit the delete button. They're not worth the hassle....
I didn't think your post sounded selfish at all. Of course you were disappointed. Who wouldn't be?
Some people are just so miserable in their own lives they have to try and spread the misery to everyone else to make themselves feel better.
Why do people have to be so mean. Life is to short to worry about people like that. It is your true blog friends that matter. I have always thought that you are not a true quilter if you are not a nice person. Have a great day.
People have some nerve, don't they? Just because they put yourself out there, doesn't give anyone the right to judge you. Well, you KNOW who your friends are. We love ya. Your CW blocks look great, Carol!
I cringe at the thought of how Hubby gets himself into the higher elevations of our home . . . hope 'Handy Andy' was working with a net *s*
I love the brown and blue combo in that first block! I need to be braver about getting away from the colors in the book. And as to people who make negative comments on your blog - must be someone with a very sad life.
I agree with Libby - I cringe at how your hubby climbed up there. I really do hope he was working with a net. :-)
I'm so sorry you were the recepient of a nasty e-mail and I do feel your pain. Now, you understand why I hesitate to blog. My Miz Nasty leaves sweet comments on my blog and then blasts me via e-mail. It's a very sad case.
I'm with Sharon - let me at her! I just don't get it why some have to be so nasty and negative.
We bought one for those Gorilla ladders when we moved here and it's the best thing. Goes up super high but takes up no more space than a regular ladder.
Love the blocks! Can't wait to see all the finished goodies from retreat. Don't even give that person another thought.
Oh for peteys sake, what is it with people... I think they just do that do be nasty, its a game to them.. geesh...don't you even loose 2 seconds thought over that! Holy cow if you had not been sad that would have been odd, of course you were sad you love them! geesh not even 2 seconds you hear me, geesh people are nuts..
I had to laugh, I just asked my DH if his insurance was paid up when he decided to get on the roof of the house the same day he had had a minor prodedure done which he had been sedated for it.. they told him when we left, he was to do nothing the rest of the day, no driving, no stock trading ROFL , not lifting etc etc..to just take it easy... he is soooo hard headed so up on the roof he went!
Glad that Handy Andy got through his high/tall adventure, LOL. Don't waste the energy on negative people, your a sweet and giving lady who just loves having her kids come to visit. I totally get it :)
BIG HUGS - Karen
Hmmm, if memory serves me right you DID indicate that you were thinking more of them. Goofy people! Anyhoo, it takes all kinds, so just ignore it. Glad you didn't have to call upon the insurance policy LOL!
Darlene mentioned you to me and I saw you on the new ring and thought I would pop over.
I love your blocks...the blue and brown are wonderful together.
I am starting the CWDQ, just trying to decide if I want to hand piece it or not...I really dislike foundation piecing!
I got a nasty e-mail from a very "sweet" quilter once attacking my role as "mother". It hurt, and I almost shut down my blog, but you need to just move past it. You know your own heart. Too bad some people don't stay out of it. I wonder if all these nasty people are one person or if they are feeding off of each other??? There seems to be a rash of it lately. Hmmmmm. Maybe if they were all "outed" they would stop. I never outed my nasty e-mailed, so I can't talk.
Anyway, lovely blog. I look forward to visiting again.
Was it Sally??? Gosh, what is wrong with people? Do any of us know any grandmothers who wouldn't be disappointed if the kids couldn't make it after all? And that's being selfish? Please! Well, to heck with that person, she needs to get a life. She doesn't know you, we do, and we know you're as sweet as can be!
I can't believe that anyone can be so RUDE! Boy, that just isn't right. Can you report her? Hope you can!
Love the blocks! And the comment about the insurance made me chuckle. About 20 years ago my husband went on our second story roof to adjust an antenna, slipped and fell off. He had 3rd degree sprains of both ankles but was LUCKY... He could have been killed. High places and husbands! Yikes!
You out to let Sharon and Ginger Peaches at this lady, lol. Give them her email address, they'll fix her. You just have to ignore people like that Carol. I think they are sick in the head and just trying to be mean. As for your climbing hubby, glad he got down ok. Love your CW blocks!
I love your new banner photo and the blue/brown block. So pretty!
Sorry that someone sent you a message that was hurtful. Here's smile :-) and a (((Hug))) for you.
Connie W
Carol, Glad you are enjoying the Web Sampler. We Have mailed out 300 blocks so far. My dad was stationed at Westover in the 60's and 70's. Where were you? Eliza has been at the store a lot lately and I'm enjoying her. Just ignore people who make silly comments!!! Maybe she does'nt have g-babies.
Your DH is nuts! No way would you get me up there - even with a ladder!
I think sooner or later all of us who blog will have something like that happen. I try to think of what my mother would have said - just consider the source and forget it. Life is just too short to worry about people like that.
Love that first Civil War block you showed. I'll have to make one of those also. These are just so much fun - I made three more last night after Fred went to bed! Today my CD for the Love Letter book came - now I just have to figure out how to print the paper piecing foundations.
My Dh does the same thing over our front door. We put the Christmas candles in the window up there too. I am in charge of holding the ladder securely. I climbed up once and was so afraid to come back down I thought we'd have to call the fire dept. I'm very happy to see that you find the simple things in life as funny as I do.
When hubby was putting up the Xmas lights and I holding the ladder it made me so nervous because there wasn't much room and the ladder was almost straight up and down. Handy Andy looks like he enjoys the balancing act.
You know who your friends are.
Your CW blocks look great! I joined today and now have to wait or my book to arrive - ugh!
HAVE FUN ON YOUR RETREAT!!!!!!! You lucky gal you!! Take lots of pictures for us.
I see you got your header on your blog!
Can't imagine someone chastising you for your comments about being disappointed about the visit.
I am still in Arizona. Will contact you when I get home.
Amazing the things that people say while hiding behind their computers, eh? Emails like that are not worth response.
Now about your hubby up there... that makes me very nervous!!
That is simply awful! Obnoxious do-gooder busybody. Who wouldn't be disappointed that a looked-forward to family visit had to be cancelled due to illness? Jeesh.
Love the photos of Andy - er, Spidey!! Your blocks are beautiful, too.
As for unsolicited comments, I think people like that love the fact they can't be seen and they think it gives them the power to say whatever the heck they are thinking! I don't understand how a person would feel justified in making so personal a comment to someone they don't even know! I'm sorry you had to go through that, Carol, but I think whoever it is has been severely chastised, and won't darken your door again. Anyone who knows you, knows what a kind and unselfish person you are! Love, Nan
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