From that title I feel like I must have multiple personalities...can't just seem to post about one topic...maybe if I posted more often I wouldn't have to cram it all in one post...hmmm, better give that some thought.
I've been working on the Between Charming Friends quilt along...I'm doing the small blocks, and I'm doing at least twice as many blocks, I may end up needing more when I lay it out. Our neighbor across the street is having twins, they have a little boy who will be 2 in September and the twins are due in November. I made a quilt for the little boy when he was born so these 2 little people must have quilts also. I decided that the little blocks would be perfect for a little person quilt

...just need lots of blocks because I always make the baby quilts bigger so they can be used on the floor...I maybe should have redrafted the blocks and gone with maybe 6 inch blocks...but oh well, everything's cut and I have the four patch blocks done (unless I decide I need more...LOL!) I loved doing the big version of Between Friends and I'm really having fun doing the little blocks. Thanks Darlene and Kelly...this is really fun!
Here's my State Fair Schnibble for this month

...I made it with Caroler by Mary Englebreit...and I must confess I didn't make it this month...I did it back in Nov/Dec so I could give it to Katie and Josh for their table for Christmas. They just loved it.
I finally got around to taking pictures of my Destashing Part 3...I have a bit more but I think I'll put it up on my other blog... later this week.
So here we go for part 3...Description and price under each picture. Price does NOT include shipping. I will ship in USPS Priority Mail flat rate boxes or envelopes if the item will fit. I wish I could ship internationally but the price is just crazy.

#1 Hollywood and Vines by 3 Sisters...24 fat quarters...silky plaids, twill and pintucks $30

#2 Calico Craze by Barbara Brackman and Terry Thompson...13 fat quarters... homespun plaids $16.25
#3 Anticipation by Sandy Gervais...12 fat quarters... brushed cotton plaids $15
#4 Wuthering Heights by 3 Sisters...44 fat quarters... silky plaids, twills and velvets $50
#5 Folk Art Christmas III by Robyn Pandolf and MODA...40 fat quarters $52
SOLDEmail me at if you're interested.