Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Its a Giveaway!

It's a little giveaway...here's all the fabric that I had left from my Designer BOM...it's all from the Glace group by MODA and 3 Sisters. If you're working on a project and need a bit more, this will do the trick for you...if you want to do a Schnibble, I think there's probably more than enough for one...you'd probably just need a back and some binding. Have fun!

Leave a comment here between now and Friday morning at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight time...I'll draw a name then and get it to the post office as soon as I get an address from the winner.

I should be back tomorrow with Destashing Part 2...


ytsmom said...

I love 3 Sisters. Aster Manor is sooo great (as are the others). It would be great to win your scraps. Thanks so much for doing this.

vivian said...

That is a beautiful array of colors! Would be happy to bring them home.

Michelle said...

NO WAY! This really is a neat giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

I want to have fun!

Shana said...

They would indeed make a beautiful schnibbles quilt...and I have just the one in mind! Would love to have these to use in it. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Oh those are gorgeous. I just love 3 Sisters they always feel so warm.

paulette said...

I love this fabric...I have a little in my stash but not enough to make anything ...I would be THRILLED TO WIN THIS FABRIC!! Please throw my name into your give away hat!! Thanks for the chance!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

WOW that's a lot of fabric there. Please dont enter me. lolol You know I have enough fabric over here. But great give away!!!

Anonymous said...

OH...OH....pick me, pick me!

Unknown said...

Ok, would love to win this fabric, so very pretty! Thanks for a gret giveaway.

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I would love to win this...This is one line that I never got around to getting and wish I had :)

Winona said...

Carol, this is a great giveaway. I love these fabrics. Please enter me. Have a wonderful evening. Winona

Nancy said...

Oh aren't they lovely! They would make a great scrappy baby quilt. Thanks so much for hosting!

PatchworkRose said...

Fabrics are just gorgeous. Would make a great little quilt. Thanks for the chance to win :-)

joan said...

That is some generous giveaway! I love the fabric! I see some pieces I could match with my stash.

Ann at Prairie Primrose said...

Those fabrics would make something wonderful! What a great way to destash and have a giveaway!

Cathi said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I love 3 Sisters fabrics!

Sue at The Boar's Breath Ranch said...

I love this line. Please enter my name. Oh I hope I win.
Thanks, Sue

Melissa C said...

I have none of this great line. Thanks for the chance.

Malmbergs said...

Those are beautiful fabrics that would find a lovely home in my stash!

Dandelion Quilts said...

I love this line...what a nice giveaway, Carol. I hope you are feeling a bit better than last week. You and your neighbor have been in my thoughts.

Laura said...

Ooohhh, I love other people's scraps and that fabric line is gorgeous! I'd love to win. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jonathan said...

Oooh, how pretty! I love anything 3 sisters ☺

Cheryl said...

What a cool giveaway!! Fingers crossed :-)!!!

Kim said...

Oh boy! The fabrics are so pretty.

Kim West said...

Those are very pretty. I love that line. I would love a "little extra" of that line. I promise, if I win, when I am done with all of mine, I will pay it forward and offer a giveaway with my leftovers.

Amy said...

I love 3 Sisters! Thanks for a great giveaway.


Little Lady Patchwork said...

Hi Carol!

You can never have too many scraps.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

love scrap quilts...would be fun to win...thanks for the chance!!

Jeanne said...

Please add my name to the drawing!

*karendianne. said...

I've heard those designer BOM's give you a good bit extra. Looks like it! :)

I'm just visiting, leaving my calling card. No need to participate in the giveaway since I did return home with Daph's stuff. I mean, ya know...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would love to win those fabrics!

House of Mouse said...

I am new to your blog...a friend steered me here and I love what I have seen and can't wait to read more. I love the fabric you are giving away and I would love the chance to win.

Thanks and I definitely will become a follower.


Gale, Ky quilter said...

I LOVE Glace. Please enter me to win!


Cathy said...

I absolutely adore the Glace line! I'd love to have some more of it.

deb said...

what a lovely give away,,,,and it would make me very happy....lololol

cakegirl said...

what a great idea for a giveaway. I would love your left overs.

Jocelyn said...

Oh Carol, I love 3 Sisters fabrics. And I have a little bit of Glace that could use some help :-) Thanks so much for including me in your sweet giveaway!

Laurie said...

What a great giveaway! I'm looking for my first schnibbles pattern!

Cindy said...

Who doesn't LOVE this Glace Giveaway? Oh my word - I love this line by 3 Sisters.

Oh, Carol, you HAVE hit me hard with this glorious opportunity.

This IS a special gift to someone.

Renee G said...

This is gorgeous. I'd love to work a lapquilt up from this.

Gypsy Quilter said...

Ohhhh yummy, I could definitely work those lovely colors into something.

Junk It Folk said...

I told all my other scraps to expect some company!! Thanks!

KarenOjai said...

I'd love to use these fabrics! Pick me....

AnnieO said...

3 Sisters and Moda, what a great combo. I love the colors in this line and would dearly love to have the leftovers. Nice giveaway!

Skeena Quilts said...

OOOO WEEEEE Pick me! What a lovely bunch of fabric! A schnibbles for sure!

Wendy said...

Can never have too much fabric :-)
What a great giveaway.

sweetbabies00 said...

Beautiful fabrics... I have a jelly roll of Peace on Earth that would play nicely with them... :)

Anne Simonot said...

3 Sisters make beautiful fabric groupings. I would love to give these scraps a home. Thanks for giving us the chance. Hope my name gets picked!

Anne Simonot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'd love to make a schnibble with them! Thank you for the chance!

Annelies said...

Wow......love those sisters!!! XXX

May Britt said...

I looooooove Moda fabrics. And even though I really ought to destash too I would be happy to win these

Diane said...

oh my that's a scrumptious bunch of fabrics-
I'm going to cross my fingers, legs, eyes and hope I'm a lucky duck.

Unknown said...

Ah! What I wouldn't make with these! ;)

QuiltSue said...

Ooohhh, I'd love to win, but am I eligible as I live in the UK?

Elizabeth said...

I love the color combination in this line. Thank you for the chance to win.

Debby said...

What a nice give-away! I love 3 sisters fabric, so i hope i will win.

Greetings from Debby,
the Netherlands

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Beautiful fabrics! Please count me in!

antique quilter said...

oh beautiful fabrics I would love to make a schnibbbles quilt with these fabrics!
so generous of you Carol

Melanie said...

I'm in love with blue and brown together-- throw my name in the hat-- maybe I'll get lucky....
Hey, thanks for sharing....

barb's creations said...

I love the Glace range!Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabrics :) Barb.

Loves to Quilt said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would love to win.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh Wow!!! I couldn't believe it when I dropped into you blog this morning and saw your giveaway. I am working on a quilt with these very fabrics and was wondering where I was going to get the extra I needed to 'finish' it up. This collection of 3 Sisters is on of my favorites and I'm thinking my quilt is going to be one of my all time favorites also. This is a giveaway I would really love to win. Thanks so much for chance to have these treasures. Good Luck to EVERYONE!!! Now I'm off to explore you wonderful blog, which I have added to my 'must visit every day' list. It's like strolling through a garden of beautiful quilts. THANK YOU !!!

Joyce said...

I love that fabric. Please count me in!

Sandy said...

I have the book Schnibbles x 2 and this fabric would be a great start on one of the patterns in it. Keep on sewing! It is inspiring to see the progress and finished results.

Liz said...

These are great--can't believe I've never noticed them before. Sometimes fabric just seems to look better all cut up and messy!

Shakerwood said...

I've just caught the Schnibbles bug so this would be perfect just for me !!

Diane said...

Lvoe these fabrics and I would be happy to rummage around to find an appropriate backing to go with them :)

Michele said...

I love anything by 3 Sisters. What a generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...



Cherie in St Louis said...

Such beautiful fabric. Love the red and rich browns.

Loris said...

Whoa! This is a fabulous, generous giveaway. Hoorah for destashing :-)
I would love to help 'clean' out your treasures! Thanks for a chance to win!

Laurel said...

Wow! I'd love those fabrics! What a great give-a-way!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Great giveaway. I love anything by 3 Sisters.

Diane said...

You are very generous. I love those fabrics and hope I get them! :)

trudys_person said...

Love the fabrics - I would combine them with my leftover Chocolat and Peace on Earth to make a Snibbles quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

Saska said...

I love the colors. Thanks for the giveaway.

Quiltdolls said...

i love 3 sisters & would love to win. I have several projects going that would great.

kim from san diego

Kristine said...

Wow, what a delicious buffet!! My mind runs wild with possibilities of what it could be made into!

Your civil war crossing quilt is just beautiful. I was expecting the little Imagine, like I'd done, but yours was spectacular. You did a beautiful job, Carol. And thanks for the chance to win.

Yolande95 said...

I love scrap quilts , and may be with a little chance
I could get these.

Sinta Renee said...

I love leftovers! Please put my name into the hat! Thanks for a chance at winning those scraps... did I just rhyme?

Mrs M said...

such beautiful fabric! Would be so excited to win this!

Mandy said...

I always wanted some of this line and never bought any of it!!!

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Monica said...

I just Love 3 sisters! I would love to win these scraps! I have the perfect quilt just waiting to use them in! Thanks for allowing me the chance to win!

Gari in AL said...

How very cool: what a beautiful bunch of fabric. And I just saw a pattern that they would fit perfectly into. I live in hope!

Sherrill said...

Ooo, so pretty..maybe I'll win (NOT!). But thanks anyway for a great giveaway! LOL

Cornfield Quilter said...

Just got home from vacation and was checking out my favorite blogs and saw your give-away. Wow is all I can say and please put my name in the pot. I will take very good care of your fabric if I win and make something very pretty out of it! Gosh, I am glad I am home again!!

Megan said...

Whoa - how generous! Can't wait to see what someone makes with it!

Unknown said...

I love 3 sisters and these would make a beautiful scrap quilt. I am always looking for ways to improve my selection so winning this would save me alot of time.
Thanks for putting this in

Dawn said...

Love those fabrics. I can think of pleanty of uses for them too.

Elyte said...

Love to have a chance to win those lovely fabrics.Are you enjoyint the Jelly Roll Quilt Along? I can't believe how quickly those blocks come together. I am really enjoying it.

Sheila said...

I would be one happy camper if I won those gorgeous fabrics , simply beautiful .Great give away .

Janet said...

What pretty scraps! I would love to win them!

Marcia said...

Oh I just love this fabric. I appreciate the chance to win however I don't have a blog. I have noticed on these the only peope that win have blogs. Now I know I'm doing something wrong. Yikes :)

Unknown said...

A beautiful collection of fabrics. It's one I don't have so would love to give them a new home with my stash.

Deb S.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! What a nice giveaway. Throw my name in the hat ;o)

Julie said...

Hi! I want to try a Schnibble (my first) and your little give away stash would be wonderful!!

Dawn said...

How generous of you! A small quilt of Glace in my home would be wonderful :-)

Kim said...

I would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

Deb said...

Oh I'm sure I could have a lot of fun with these. I love 3 sisters and would be very happy to give them a new home!

Kristi said...

That a really nice giveaway...I Can't Believe It!!! Here's hoping that I win.......

LynnH said...

I am currently finishing the same block of the month quilt , I would love to have your pieces to put with my leftover pieces - it is great how much fabric is left when you cut carefully . I want to make a complimentary quilt to go with the one I am finishing

Karen said...

Would love the chance to play with these fabric scraps. A schnibbles quilt would be fun.Thanks for the chance to win. Karen M

sunny said...

What a wonderful give-away! I'd like to put my name in. Someone will be a very luck recipient!

Patty said...

Sign me up for a chance to win. Thanks. Patty D

DonnaCME said...

I would love to have a chance at your leftovers! Thanks so much for your giveaway....

Jill said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Count me in.

Brenda said...

So sorry I missed this one!~What a great give away. i love Moda.

Julie S said...

I love 3 sisters! Please draw my name!