Saturday, October 03, 2009

October Charming Girls

I've set my goals for Charming Girls...October is going to be to finish up and catch up month for me. September was very busy and my BOM's got behind so I'm catching up on...

Sadie's Sampler

Belle Meade


Designer 2009

Then I'm going to put together my Simply Sophisticated BOM

And get binding on my Christmas ZigZag Quilt

And my Spools quilt

I sure hope I can get these all done...I'll feel so wonderful to get these caught up and finished. I also want to try and do the Charming GirlsQuilt Along...Half Pint...I'm going to need a baby quilt for April and this will be just perfect.


Melanie said...

Awesome goals--- I'm lovin' that Bonnie Blue Quilt Pattern. Let me know how it goes....

Cornfield Quilter said...

You go girl!!!!

Nancy in WI said...

YOu have a lot of work ahead of you! It'll be fun! Nancy in WI

Allie said...

You have a lot of goals there - but you can do it - love all your projects!

Kate said...

Sounds like a good list of goals; good luck!

joan said...

Great projects! I have faith you can do them all and look froward to seeing the finshed products!
Happy sewing! Enjoy♥♥♥

Karen said...

I don't think your feet will set themselves out of your sewing room during October. Go for it!

Ginger Patches said...

Wow, you are working on some great BOM's. I think what I have not liked about some of the bom's I've done is that they have all been samplers--but look at those great civil war quilts you're doing, where are they from? I love 'em!!!! O.k. so here's to more sewing in October!!!

Quilter Going Bananas said...

You're going to be a very busy quilter this month but I think you can do it! I'll be cheering you on to get it all done :^)

Anonymous said...

I'm playing blog catchup...leave for a day or two and look what happens! I'm liking your goals!!

Libby said...

Good luck on achieving your goals. You've got some great projects going there . . . I'll be right here cheering you on *s*

Mel said...

Quite the list! I'm still deciding on which of the many tasks I should commit to!

Best of luck!

Janet said...

I love all your projects! You have quite a bit going on there, all inspirational. Everytime I see your spool quilt, I get tempted.

Thimbleanna said...

Well, you might have thought that September was busy, but it looks like October is going to be even better! Great projects!

Nicole said...

I have always wanted to make a spools quilt--love the way yours looks. Good luck with all the UFOs!

Sherri said...

You are already such an inspiration to me...and I know you'll get these all finished!

Judy said...

Looks like you have lots of great projects picked out! I'm sitting this month out!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I still love that sadie sampler. But I just couldn't swing one more this year!

Angie said...

I LOVE your spools quilt, Carol!! I started one of those...hmmmm, maybe I should make a few more blocks for it. :)

Anne said...

Wow, you're gonna be one busy gal! How are the grandkids?

taylorsoutback said...

So much fun to discover another quilter who loves the Bonnie Blue patterns and just the vintage look in general! While visiting your blog, I came across your reference to your husband's knee replacement surgery...hope he is progressing well and steady. Both my DH & myself have total knee replacements & yes, being free of discomfort is great! Don't let him let up on the exercise even after therapy is wrapped up...he will never regret the extra effort! Have a great week and thanks so much for sharing.

Carrie P. said...

Oh boy! that is a lot but you can do it. Can't wait to see them all done up.

randi--i have to say said...

I love that spools quilt! Very nice work!


*karendianne. said...

Mmmm, you have such great taste. hee! Copy cat *karendianne.

Kim Brackett said...

Oh, my! I love every single one of your projects! The Antietam pattern is going to be on my mind for a while, I can just tell!

Nicole said...

Your list is long, but I bet you get to the end of it! If that Spools quilt ever goes missing, start the search in California.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic goals, I know you will get through them all! I have getting up to date on my BOM as a major goal for October too!! :)

Nancy said...

I love that spool quilt - actually all of your quilts. Looks like you have a big project in front of you - should be beautiful.

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

So many pretty projects -- my you are ambitious this month. Go Carol! I can't wait to see all of them.

Millie said...

Gorgeous quilts, but I really like the Spool quilt.