Monday, October 10, 2011

Keeping that Feeling of Peace

I'm joining in on Kelly's Wellness Report
...we talked a lot about that last week while we were at the beach.  We were both so peaceful for the 4 days that we were there...we discussed how we could keep this feeling of peace.  We  agreed that it would be really easy to keep that feeling if we just stayed at the beach...but that's just not the real world.  I didn't want to come home and jump right back on the merry-go-round...the go, go, go...seeing the weeks fly I've given it a lot of thought and I have a plan...I'm a To Do List girl...I work better with a list, but my list is really probably never realistic.  I put way too many things on list for a day
and then feel like I've failed if I don't finish the I am pledging today to be better about my list...I will be realistic...I will only put a day's worth of activities on the list...OK, I've committed to it, it's in print, I'm in.

I'm also committing to getting back to exercising...I realized this morning that I hadn't been to the gym in a month, now I really didn't just blow the gym off, we were traveling, and I was at a quilting retreat...both wonderful things, lots of fun...but no gym time.  So tomorrow, back to the gym...Look out stairmaster and I come!  Two days at the gym and at least 3 days of walking...that's my commitment.  I feel so much better when I I'm getting back on track!  With my walking comes my thinking, meditating so to speak, and I am much more pleasant person when I do that.

So that's it...I'm making myself accountable by putting it out blog, my journal...but I'm also not going to allow guilt to get me if I don't quite get it all in during the week...I love Kelly's idea of the reward at the end of the week if I meet my goals and if I don't, I will just commit to try harder the next week.

My goal...keep that peaceful, serene feeling...I'll keep you posted!


Janet O. said...

My "to do" lists are always too long, as well. But when I start my day I honestly think I can do it all. I just don't take into account all of the unplanned interruptions and all of the needs of other people I encounter throughout the day. I don't know how to plan for the unexpected.
I, too have not been exercising regularly this past month--except for my sit-ups. I need to get back on the treadmill and elliptical. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!

sunny said...

Sounds like a good plan! I'm working on a plan of my onw, and hope to join the two of you soon.

Diane said...

I'm a to-do list girl too. I put urgent things on my list, as well as what I call floaters. If they get done, great, if not, they can float to another day.

Sharon said...

Way to go...I'm planning on joining you guys on this need to take better care of me! Maybe that is why my mojo is missing?????

Stitched With Prayer said...

Carol, reading your post I had a thought about the end of the week reward plan. It occurs to me that if we truly want to accomplish serenity and wellness, we should reward ourselves at the end of each week regardless of how well we did...just so long as there is a sincere effort to reach our goals. I mean, if we don't get rewarded for our true efforts and remaining mindful of our objective, then wouldn't we start back in that rut of pushing so hard that we begin to lose the peace and wellness were working toward? Truly, I liken it to how I treat myself when I'm working on a quilt. Rather than leaving my sewing room feeling defeated and guilty because I didn't accomplish all I thought I should, I have been trying very hard to look on what I did get done, no matter how little it might be and rejoice in what I did get done. I'm just sayin...

Gypsy Quilter said...

I wish you the best of luck with your goals. If your list ever runs short though, I'll be happy to lend you one of mine. LOL

Allie said...

Exercise is one I need to work on too - we no longer have a membership at the Y, but I have a recumbent bike here at home that is getting very, very dusty. I wish you lots of luck with your list-making - that's my downfall too, I put way too much on them!

Darlene said...

I'm here to wish you the very best with your plans! Be careful that your plans don't become your 'to do' list. I've been working on something very similar for a few weeks and I've found that I just need to work on my inner peace and keep as much negativity out of my life possible.

I'm here to cheer you on.

regan said...

I like that need to beat yourself up for not getting something done.....we are always too hard on ourselves. Why is that!?! The quilts have to be perfect, the cooking has to be the best thing we've ever tasted, the house has to be company-clean all the time.....sheesh! It's too much pressure for a gal who just wants to play with fabric! lol

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Oh Carol - I can't tell you how much it means to get to share this journey with you! And, I'm so with you - my "to do lists" are never realistic! And, I've only planned for 5 days a week (which gives me the weekends to make it up if I miss out on a weekday)! We can do this - I know we can :):):)

Melanie said...

I'm a list girl as well. I try to remember," you always have time for the things you put first..." if I wait until the end of the day..exercise just doesn't has got to be first...the pups get their exercise at the end of the day :)