I'm back today...I'm going to try to post some pictures since I had no luck yesterday. I'm actually doing this to escape from the TV and all the awful news. Since Andy's now home in the morning, must get used to that, he has Good Morning America on and watching every minute. If I were here by myself, I would just have to turn it off...the new is just so horrible. I can't even begin to imagine what the families of the students and faculty must be going through. This is just all so beyond belief.
I had to talk to the kids last evening...when bad things happen I seem to have to gather all my "little chicks" and make sure they are safe...they got home just fine, Katie said the plane was very full, and Hampton was very good. He is the best little guy...he's almost always happy.

Here he is on the snowman quilt that I did for him.
Here's mom with her great grandson...

Their very first meeting.
My favorite picture of all...how Andy spent his first morning of retirement...

This is just so cute...he was making breakfast for Josh and Katie...I had been holding Hampton and had to run and do something, so I gave him to Andy. He continued doing what he needed to do...guess you never forget how to do things with one hand. Of course, I had to stop what I was supposed to be doing to get the camera. A moment to cherish.
Thank you for letting me share my wonderful weekend with you. I promise there will be some quilty things to show later this week. Andy is leaving Thursday morning for his annual trip with his best friends from college. They get together once a year, just the guys, from all parts of the country, to spend a few days together. It is wonderful for them and I get to sew for days. I bought Lean Cuisine meals for the nights he's gone...microwave, no dishes to do...I think I'm going to have fun! Talk later in the week...