Friday, May 30, 2014

Where Have I Been?

I've been all over the place....

To Birmingham for a quick trip to see these fun kids...

She certainly kept Grandy busy!

To Pennsylvania for an event at Andy's alma mater...we were there the beginning of May and the morning we were heading to the airport to come home there was frost on the windshield...a lot of frost...and for this Florida girl that only wears Flip Flops from mid April on, my toes were freezing.

Cleaning and organizing and getting rid of stuff...seems like I do this all the time...

Working in the yard...

Finishing up some very "aged" projects...

and some very recent projects...this picture isn't the best,

just as I got it all straight and headed back upstairs to take the picture, Howie decided he needed to walk across it and go the wrinkles...

Going to Pilates, working out with a trainer twice a week and riding the bicycle 4 mornings a week...I've been trying out a neighbor's bike and I really like it, so we'll be going to buy my very own...I can't wait...I LOVE it!  I truly am in better shape now at 62 than I have been in most of my adult feels great!

And........I've been on Instagram...yes I have...Oh it is so quick and easy...But the heat is upon us so I'll be back right HERE!