...so you know that means goals...February Charming Girl's Club goals

. I'm a bit behind, I don't have the new logo up...I promise I'll have it up for my next post...here are my goals...
Turn this stack of fabric

into pillowcases for Hole in the Wall Gang...I did 5 this week and this stack will be 8 more...they sure are fun to do.
Sunday's Best for A Year of Schnibbles

...I have my fabric picked...I'm using Civil War Tribute and a piece of background from my stash.
Get Cameo cut out of this Birdie Honey Bun and Charm pack

...then I'll have to get to stitchin'...it's for Camden's 1st Birthday...can you believe she'll be a year old April 17th. Wasn't I just waiting for her to arrive??????
Get month 1 done of the Civil War Tribute Block of the Month

...I flipped over this quilt...I wasn't going to get involved in any more BOM's (except for the next Fat Quarter Shop Designer BOM) but this one just kept calling my name...
When I thought about my February goals I needed to finish the baby quilt that I cut last month...well, I didn't sleep very well night before last, went upstairs to sew for a bit and ended up almost finishing it...I just had to a couple of rows left to sew together...got that done yesterday and today I got the back sewn together...YIPPEE!

Done and so close to the beginning of the month. You know we have to sew faster this month...it's a short one!
Katie sent me some new pictures today...you know I have to share...

I love their outfits...Katie's been smocking up a storm again. She's getting to be quite the seamstress...Hampton's shirt is a long sleeve t-shirt with an opening in it...she did the smocking and inserted it, with piping, all be herself. She smocked Camden's dress and her mom made the dress...I'm betting she'll be making a little dress any day now. There is a picture of Camden and Josh that just almost made me cry...it's the sweetest thing...I'll have to share it next time...Blogger won't let me do any more pics tonight. ACK!