Hope everyone has had a safe and Happy Memorial Day...a time to remember and honor all of the veteran's that have served in the past and all the military men and women who are serving currently in all parts of the world.
Life has gotten back to normal here...Andy is almost good as new...he continues to gain more and more range of motion every day and he continues to gain strength in that shoulder. He couldn't be happier...and you know what...if he's happy, I'm happy. We haven't gone back to the gym yet, after his next doctor's appt we'll probably head back if he gets the go ahead. We have been walking very regularly so we're still getting exercise...getting back to the gym will be tough.
On the quilting front...I got the baby quilt back yesterday from my friend Jami...I got the binding on and the label made...tonight I'll be hand stitching down the binding and I'll show a picture of it tomorrow. It turned out GREAT! I am so excited about it.
Last year in the Fall edition of the Quilt Sampler The Quilted Moose in Gretna, Nebraska was a featured shop...their quilt was awesome...it was on the front cover. I fell in love with it and ordered it immediately...but it's been tucked safely away...I got it out and cut it and started making the blocks. I LOVE it...here are some of the blocks...

That's about all the sewing since the surgery...I hope to do better cause I sure miss my sewing time.
I got a date from the kids to come to Birmingham for the move. The movers will be coming on the 18th of June and I'm going up on the 14th to help with the packing, cleaning and playing with Hampton...more Hampton than anything else. He has started "swimming" in the community pool and he loves it...wants to go to the pool everyday. I was talking to Katie the other day and she told me to bring my bathing suit so I can take him to the pool...the second he heard pool, he was squealing with joy and ran and got his pool towel...he was ready to go. I can't wait to get there. I always take a gift for him whenever I go to see him...well here it is...Andy and I went to Toys R' Us on Saturday morning and we couldn't resist this..

There were lots of pieces and parts but what a surprise when we opened the box there were 2 bags with all the screws and bolts and washers and all that stuff...imagine that an extra set instead of being short. We were very happy and got it together in no time. I'm hoping he likes his new transportation...he's not a fan of the stroller any more but loves his wagon so now he can pick what he wants to ride on.
I have 3 more bundles to put up today for sale...just like last time...if you're interested in anything just email me at
goodhomequiltco@aol.com and I'll let you know what the postage will be.
The first one is Day in the Country Wovens 32 Fat 1/4's $45
SOLD-Thanks so muchThis one is Garden Magic Wovens by Blackbird Designs 15 Fat 1/4's $22.50
SOLD-Thank youAnd last for today is Wuthering Heights by 3 Sisters 44 Fat 1/4's $65
SOLD- Thanks so muchHave a great evening! I'll see you tomorrow (I hope) with the finished baby quilt...OMG it is cute!