Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Feeling YUCKY!

I just hate it...I started feeling icky on Sunday afternoon, by Monday morning it was full blown YUCK. All those days that I've said, "Oh if I could just stay home"...well here I am home again for the second day in a row and I haven't made it up the stairs. I tried yesterday and made it half way up, came back down and went to bed for 2 more hours...I'd already slept 3 hours in the morning. I'm going to try again today. I have tons I want to do and this would be the perfect time to do it. I'll post again this afternoon if I get anything done...I'll even post pictures. Hopefully. Hope you all are having a great day!


Melanie said...

Maybe Macaroni and Cheese can fix it--- When nothing else works, it may help. Hope you feel better soon... quilting time is been wasted....

Patti said...

Oh Carol, I'm so sorry you are feeing under the weather. You know you are really sick when you don't feel like sewing, right? Sending lots of positive, healing thoughts your way - hoping you get better REALLY soon.

Laurie Ann said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Libby said...

Ahhh, crud. Hope you are feeling better quickly . . . in the meantime, just rest up.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh dear ... feel better soon. It's time to be resting ...

Shelina said...

Oh I do hope you get to feeling better. Get plenty of rest and water. I like ginger snaps when I'm not feeling well. I can taste it, and I think ginger is good for lots that ails us.

CONNIE W said...

Poor Girl, it's awful to feel that sick. No fun at all...get all the rest that you need...the work will wait for you. Take care now.

Gail said...

I always feel like I'm wasting time off and should be quilting instead of resting--but really, feeling that badly, you'd just be making errors and frog stitching, so take care of yourself and feel better soon.

Linda C said...

oh oh---creeping crud just hit? Sorry that you are not feeling well and hope that Andy does not join you with this illness. I called my parents on their anniversary with my dad coughing on the phone and my mom coughing in the background---needless to say, they did not celebrate the event.