I feel like I'm just treading water right now. I'm not getting a lot done, even though I have the desire to be upstairs sewing all the time...I just don't seem to get there. Since Andy's retirement in mid-April I just can't seem to get back into my wonderful routine. I guess I'm a real creature of habit and it's hard to make big changes. Now don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying him being home and he is almost like a new person with the huge stresses off of him...but I can't seem to get myself going. This month is really kind of crazy, but it's really going to be fun. This Sunday Sue and I are going on a road trip. We've heard for years about the Log Cabin quilt shop up in Hiawassee, GA so we're going. We have Rosemary covering the shop until Thursday so we're off...no set time to be anywhere. We're going as far as Dahlonaga on Sunday...stay there and hit the quilt shop there Monday morning and then another hour up the road to Hiawassee. When we're done in Hiawassee we'll start south through GA and we have a list of shops to hit on our way home. We are very excited so I'll have lots of stories to tell next week.
I get home and then Andy leaves for a conference in Dallas on Sunday...I'll get lots of sewing done (I hope)...then he gets home and I head to Chicago on Saturday to see Hampton, oh Josh and Katie too :) Then I'll be home Thursday afternoon. That just about takes care of May...and I wonder why I feel like time is flying by. Here is a new picture of Hampton...5 months old, hard to believe. This is from their first trip to the zoo. The kids took him on Sunday and sent pictures.

Can't wait to get my hands on that baby. I talk to him on the phone all the time and the kids say he really knows it's me...well that's what they say...honest.
Trips to quilts shows and visiting grandbabies...doesn't get any better than that. He's a cutie pie. Be safe and share your adventures with us when you return!
I know my husband used to work shift work. I loved nite shift - I could quilt forever. When he changed to straight days, I felt like I'd never quilt again. I was glad to have him around, it was just different. You'll get a new routine figure out. Enjoy your private "shophop" and the trip to Chicago...
Oh, my goodness Hampton is adorable! I've been speaking to my grandson, Eli on the phone on a daily basis since he got home from the hospital. It's gotten to the point that he insists that my daughter dial the phone so he can call ME. It's been so much fun!
Oh, I remember when my DH retired last year I didn't think we'd ever settle into the "different" routine. I work at home so he was really in the way - all the time. LOL You'll find your way soon.
I love shop shopping! Have a great time! Change takes time to adjust, be patient with your self and the process, allow your self to ease into this new and wonderful life! Enjoy that cuddly baby!
Sounds like you will have a blast going to Georgia! Have fun visiting all the quiltshops. Your grandbaby is just adorable, thank's for sharing the photo.
Sounds like you have a fun trip ahead of you! Hamptom is so cute!
That retirement bit can be a big adjustment. Hubby retired from the USMC and was home with me for 8 weeks before he began his new career. I loved having him home but I sure didn't get a thing done. It will all flow into an easy rhythm soon enough. In the meantime, you can just sit together and enjoy looking at Hampton *s*
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