When I got home from my wonderful vacation with Sharon I had a package waiting for me. This wonderful package came from Karen...I won a giveway drawing over on her blog...look at all the treats in this box...a kit for a cute Miss Rosie pattern, a magnetic pin cushion, 2 wool patterns and 2 little signs...oh I love getting mail.
Thank you so much Karen! You made my day.
I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of all my goodies that I bought at the quilt show and shops...I think you're going to really like some of these patterns I found.
Ahhh - she looks quite at home *S*
Annie is adorable!
HEY is that my................, oh never mind. I found mine. LOL!!! Looky what goodies you got. How nice!! Did I tell you that I miss you?????
Love your little Annie!
Awww, how nice of Sharon to give you an Annie of your own! Very cute she is. I think you need to buy her some friends though. Where have I heard that before, about buying friends? Oh, never mind. LOL Nice stuff you won there too! I'm going to Country Loft today, how fun! Did you and Sharon leave anything in the store for me? LOL
Isn't it wonderful to have an Annie all your own? She looks so at home sitting there, and you get to think of Sharon every time you look at her!
Congratulations on winning - I love all the goodies you won! Yes, mail is such fun, especially when it comes from bloggy friends (or an online quilt shop!).
Oh your Annie is adorable!
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