Nicole has already heard all this...we're doing the same finishing kit for the Web Sampler so we've been chatting...let me change that...I've been ranting, Nicole's been listening. Thank you Nicole! This darn thing darn near made me give up quilting yesterday. I was so pleased with my Web Sampler blocks...the all went together perfectly...I did the setting squares from the finishing kit and put in the setting triangles...PERFECT! All those little triangles and I didn't lose a point...I ended up with exactly the size top that the pattern said I should have...then it all went crazy. I made the amount of red triangles for the outside border that the pattern called for...that wasn't enough...I wasn't anywhere close...so I looked at the picture that was on their website...counted the triangles...thankfully I figured that out before I sewed them on...that was way to many...I was on my own...got the right number to get in the ballpark and it didn't fit...so after hours of fudging, cutting, adding an extra piece of cream fabric on either end I MADE it work...there was supposed to be another border of black triangles just like the red one...WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in my lifetime! I sewed on the outside border and called it DONE! Here's my version...

When I finished I put it on my "design floor" and took a picture...I can now see that I didn't do a very good job of smoothing it out...it really does lay flat.
I just don't understand selling patterns and kits without knowing that they are right...I know typos can happen in a pattern but this was just WRONG! In addition to the border measurements just being wrong they had us cut 20 some squares that I have NO CLUE where they were supposed to go. They were never mentioned in the directions again after the cutting part...somehow I just don't think when you spend that kind of money on a finishing kit or any kit for that matter...you just shouldn't have sit down and do all the math over again and make sure that it's correct. I'm no professional quilter, but I have been quilting since 1976 and I'm going to tell you that this thing really just about whipped my butt...I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a pattern in all my quilting years.
That's it...I'm done ranting about this darn thing. Now I have to tell you how sweet Nicole is...she e-mailed this morning and offered me some fabric to do a piano key border...which would have been awesome on this quilt...but I just couldn't do it...I couldn't spend 1 more minute of my life on this thing. Thank you Nicole, you were truly the bright spot in this whole big MESS! Once again I will say...Blogland friends are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
It sure is pretty, too bad they had to spoil it for you. Maybe when it is all quilted and done, you will like it again, and hopefully you can let the suppliers know and get at least an apology.
Its a wonderful quilt, regardless of the aggravation it caused.
Carol, it really turned out beautiful. I really like the concept of the Web Sampler but I sure hope they improve it next go around. I don't understand how some of these shops are selling finishing kits and/or BOM's without making the quilt first. Very frustrating.
It's very pretty -- I hope you will like it once it's finished! One wonders about people writing patterns without ever having made the quilt -- very very frustrating.
Incorrect patterns are really bad for our quiltfeeling. But you did solve it great. I guess the patternmaker never had anyone to test sew her pattern.
Ooooo Carol, I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles with the finishing kit :( I can totally feel your frustration...in fact I was literally feeling my blood pressure go up as I read...that is so maddening when you are following the directions and you're almost done with a big project and it all falls apart like that!!! I'm really glad it didn't make you give up quilting! And it really turned out beautiful!! Now you need to make something fun!!!
Man - I wanted to do this sampler also - I guess I'm glad I didn't. But regardless - it did turn out beautifully! And in all honesty - by sure you let the designer or designers no about your troubles - I'm not sure who designed this or organized it but speaking from experience it is nice to hear feedback on patterns and such so that everything can get corrected for future people! Plus - maybe they can post some "error updates" or something on their website! Happy Fourth Carol!
Well, it's beautiful, Carol. Chalk this one up to one of your quilting life's challenges. Ugh!
I was intrigued with the Web Sampler idea but decided to pass and am really glad that I did.
Oh I agree, I'd each of you send a note to the people who designed these finishing kits! You did a fabulous job correcting the mistakes and making it look wonderful!!
IN my whole quilting career...5 years maybe 6, I've only had one pattern like that...so off!! I know right away and had to do it myself and you know that quilt is NOT finished to this day!
It's a beautiful quilt. I'm glad you kept at it even with the pattern mistakes. They need pattern testers.
I am so glad I didn't do that quilt! LOL I have read quite a few times how bad the directions were, whew for people that are not as experienced in quilting as you gals are... yep that would have wound up in the scrap bin!
It looks great :O)... I think it was Beth I told that well maybe it would be like child birth is,(or so
I hear it is) you will forget later how bad it was and just love your quilty to pieces :O)....
I feel your pain Carol! I was doing this along with you guys too and I have also been griping to Nicole about it. I had a different finishing kit, if you look at my blog, I have a post with their version and mine, I was so sick of this quilt I just wanted it done.
I'm sorry you had so much trouble with it! It turned out really lovely, despite all your frustrations.
Well, the quilt looks good the way you finished it. Too bad the finishing instructions were not correct. But bravo to you! You stuck with it and came up with a finished top one way or another.
Well it looks so pretty if that helps ease your pain?? LOL!! And can I now do the happy dance because I DID NOT participate. LOL well can I??
Well, Carol, it certainly is beautiful! In spite of all the pain, I'll bet you're glad to have done it? Now you have such a pretty quilt!
The Web Sampler is on my list for the Five by the End of July Challenge. I am going to put it off to the end of my list.
Your quilt is beautiful, and like most quilts has a good story to go with it. I hope this is the end of your frustration for many years to come.
I think it turned out wonderful! (Hugs) to you for sticking with it!
Oh my - I'm sorry for all the problems, BUT, it sure is gorgeous! Hope you can take pleasure in that part.
Anytime you need to rant we are always here for you. It sure is a gorgeous quilt even with all the aggravation. Great job!
So far I have been pretty fortunate with my choice of finishing kit. It is taking me forever because I have been busy with life. I did find some mistakes in my instructions but I was able to figure it out, thank goodness. I guess I am the only one that hasn't had a screaming fit about this quilt, lol. It really did turn out pretty though, so you will have a quilt with a story in the years to come. Glad you finished it, wish mine was done.
The quilt is gorgeous. Too bad the directions were so bad!
The quilt is lovely but whew, what an effort, eh?
Well like everyone else said - it's an absolute stunner of a quilt and I'm glad you stuck with it and got-r-du, in the long run you will be happy that you did. Now you need to do something totally fun and ship it off to the quilters to do their machine magic because I assume there won't be any hand quilting in that puppy, LOL.
Hugs - Karen
that quilt is gorgeous!
great job
:applauds you fervently.
i've been noticing lately, that on some people's blogs- people who sell a LOT of patterns and fabric, that there are pattern corrections. i was wondering myself why they don't iron out the wrinkles before passing it along to us... i think many times they don't make it themselves, so they don't know,and then some unsuspecting quilter comes along and has to fill them in!
Whew. Big deep breath! You did it GF! As a result of your experience, I am abandoning my triangle border as we speak. I will use my leftovers to come up with a totally different border. Karen Dianne shows an arrowhead border on her blog that I literally am dreaming about. I may just do that instead!
It's gorgeous and no one will ever know there was another crazy triangle border. Now have some wine.
I definitely would have been tearing my hair out, and saying several naughty words if I were you! I don't blame you for being so frustrated! I've had instructions like that before - it takes the joy out of quilting, doesn't it? Nicole is definitely a wonderful, wonderful lady, I do agree! I'm glad she was there for you. Having said all that, your quilt is a beautiful work of art born out of frustration! You did a wonderful job, Carol.
Well, it certainly turned out beautiful despite the flawed directions!!!! Dang good thing something like that didnt happen to ME, a newbie, I never would have attempted another one,lolololol.good job!!!!
Unfortunate about the pattern. Very annoying for you. I love your quilt though ... good on you for making it work.
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