Nothing new quilty going on here since yesterday...worked on some more stars and Hopscotch blocks. I got the most wonderful e-mail from Katie this afternoon and I just had to share a few new pictures of Hampton.

A visit to the zoo...OH MY!

This one's for
I can't wait to get there and see him...I'll be taking mom up on the 5th. She is just beside herself with excitement.
He is adorable!
What a cutie! Does he like to stop and smell the roses?
I think that is the cutest giraffe I have ever seen *s*
I second what Libby said! He's so cute!!
Wayyyy toooooo cute to be a teenager one day!!!!
Look how big he is getting. He is so cute.
wow, what heart melting moments, I'm so glad you captured them to share!
OMG he is getting big!!! He'll be driving soon!! LOL!!!
Gosh, that child is sure growing up fast; He is so cute, and I am sure both you and your mother are chomping at the bit to go visit him. Thanks for great pictures!!
What a cutie! And Sharon cracks me up -- get that driver's license ready LOL!
I cannot believe how fast he is growing. What a cutie!
He's getting so big!! What a cutie, love the giraffe picture! Wow the 5th is right around the corner...where is the time going?
Such a cute little guy. You must be exciting to be seeing him soon.
Hampton just gets cuter and cuter, Carol!! Thank you for sharing such adorable photos with us!
Adorable! Oh but that is a big snake in that one picture! When I took my great-granddaughter to the zoo last spring, there was a zoo volunteer at the gate with a huge snake wrapped around his arms. Alexis went right up to pet it. Not me!
He is just a doll!
What a sweetie pie!!! I have never seen such a cute giraffe!! So glad you have a visit with him coming up ....and of course his parents too!!!
Oh my goodness he is such a cutie pie - thanks for sharing these adorable pictures.
Hugs - Karen
Oh My! I think I spied a sssssnake.
The giraffe is a keeper.
Long-necked Love, *karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
oh what a cutie pie he is!!!
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