OMG! What a day! In the middle of the 3:00 this morning something in the house alarm system started...scared the poo out of both of us. But then it stopped pretty quickly...we were both wide awake but at least it was quiet. We put a call in to the repair guy this morning and he said he could get here tomorrow. Well that seemed fine until around noon today when the whole thing went crazy...the most horrible noise was like the noise in the night times was going off in the house and outside the house...the neighbors were coming out of their houses....they were calling me from the monitoring service to see if I needed the fire truck. OMG what a zoo...then the dogs started howling and crying. It was awful. After talking to the nicest service guy, we got the whole thing powered off...not another sound. They'll be here next Thursday to work on it. We never set the alarm and I had changed the code last year...well, I didn't write down the new code and I couldn't remember it. The guy was wonderful...he kept saying that it was OK and the service guy would fix it all when he comes. OMG, I thought I was going to go nuts. It's quiet now. Thank goodness. After wasting 2 long hours on this whole crazy episode, I got upstairs for some sewing. I needed quiet...just me and my machine. Well, I'm very happy to say that I finished my star quilt...I had my man hold it up so you could see it. What a fun project...quick and went together very nicely.

I'll take it to be quilted when I get back from Birmingham next week, but I wanted to show it to you done.
Hanna cooperated and is going to stay far enough off the coast so I'll be going to get mom tomorrow, she'll stay the night with us and then we'll be on the road early Friday morning...Hampton here we come! Hopefully we'll be back on has a meeting and her hair appointment on Thursday...she's amazing.
I love your quilt! I read a book once on borders and they talked about repeating elements from the center of the quilt. That's what you've done and it's wonderful! I LOVE STARS....and your fabric choices are nice. Great job!
Carol - Hope you get your alarm problems all taken care of soon and hopefully a good nights rest in the mean time. Sounds like it just went nuts on you.
Your quilt is beautiful.Can't wait to see it after you get it quilted.
What a fantastic border around those stars. I empathize, as I had an alarm system once when I lived in the big bad city. And it is a very scary thing when it goes off in the middle of the night. Hope you have a safe trip!
You are a pro! I love this, I so, so love it. Does it need a home? HEE! ;) We are close enough ya know. I'm so bad.
Alarming Love, *karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
OMG!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I really love it, you did an awesome job! I am so so happy that Hanna is not going to ruin your Hampton plans--yay!!! You guys are going to have soo much fun! I can't wait to hear all about it when you return :) And of course see pictures of big that cutie must be getting!
This is a beautiful quilt. The half square triangles really set it off - an excellent choice! blessigns, marlene
I love that quilt!
Ahhh I definitely can relate to the alarm system! The first time it went off (dog set it off with the motion sensors) I just about died running down the stairs to shut the thing off!
Love your star quilt! Very nice :o) Glad Hanna is staying away from you and Karen!
What ever ya do, don't post your address! ;-) Love your star quilt!
Oh Carol this quilt came out so nice.
Wow youmade this quilt so fast!
A few months ago we had the same thing happen to our security system, unfortunatley the fire dept came cause it was so loud that we didn't hear the central station calling us! It was awful. The fire alarm units had to be replaced, they say every 5 to 7 years, yes it was time.
they become over sensitive and are set off.
next house I will have to really think about getting another system that is just too scary when it goes off!
Glad Hannah stayed away and you will get to visit Hampton, can't wait to see some new pictures, they are just so fun at this age.
Enjoy your visit with him
What a beautiful quilt...looks like a little adrenaline gets you going :o) Hope they manage to fix your alarm system soon...a 3 am wake up isn't nice.
Beautiful quilt. So glad the hurricane missed you.
Oh those pesky alarm systems! Thunder and lightning will set ours off -- what a pain!
Your quilt is beautiful. I LOVE those stars!
Talk about a wake up call. How horrid. I love your quilt. It turned out wonderfully. Have a great trip!
I can relate to the alarm incident! The battery on one of my smoke detectors died while my husband was away. I had to endure that crzy beeping for a whole day!
I love your quilt! I have some of that fabric and it gives me an idea!
Oh your star quilt is the best. I really love that pattern. Hmmmm - I feel another UFO coming on *s*
Lovely quilt!!!!
Oh my all that alarm business would be rattling... I can take a lot of things but loud noise isn't one of them!
I know your excited to see your little guy Hampton :O)
That quilt is fantastic! Have a great trip!
Good for you that Hanna is missing you...she's scheduled to direct hit us at 2PM tomorrow, but I don't think it will be anything more than heavy rains.
LOVE that quilt! The stars are so pretty and delicate with such lovely color combinations!
Very nice quilt. I have a great appreciation for the traditional quilts - to me they just say home and comfort.
Ohhh, I'm lovin that quilt! It's a beauty!!!
Have fun with Hampton. Love the quilt and the code for your alarm.........911. LOLOL
What a great quilt! It's beautiful!
Scary having the alarm go off in the middle of the night, especially when you didn't set it!
Hope you are having fun with Hampton. I thought you might post some great grandma/Hampton pictures from your son's computer.
love your star quilt. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Love the quilt you sent to country loft for the sale.
It's lovely Carol! I do like star quilts! Glad to read that it's quiet noise wise and weather wise! This decade has been horrendous for natural disasters! It's nice to read that you're safe. Hugs!
Beautiful quilt, it is awesome. I am inviting you to participate in a Fall into Fall Quilters Blog giveaway that I am hosting. Come on over and check it out.
Beautiful quilt Carol. I love the background too!
What a beautiful quilt! I am making stars right now as well.
The alarm going off certainly would be scary. Hope things work out quickly and easily.
Your quilt turned out so wonderful. Glad the storm stayed away from you. Hug Mr. Hampton for me!
I'm so glad that the awful part of the noise came in the daylight hours!
Love the border you chose for your stars - it looks great! Have fun this weekend.
Carol - Hope your alarm problems all sorted out..... and good nights rest have come your way .
Your quilt is beautiful.Can't wait to see it after you get it quilted.
beautiful quilt!!!!!!!
hey, at least the alarm works and you know it will wake you up.... and at least the alarm was FALSE...
i love the half square triangle border. it just wouldn't have been the same without it.
beautiful quilt!!!!!!!
hey, at least the alarm works and you know it will wake you up.... and at least the alarm was FALSE...
i love the half square triangle border. it just wouldn't have been the same without it.
ohhhh :O it´s great!
How awful about your alarm system! Ours has done that on occasion, too - the sound is deafening, isn't it?
Your star quilt is beautiful - stars are my favorites in quilts! You did a great job, Carol! I'm glad you have been surviving the hurricanes. I was thinking about you when we were on vacation.
Hi Carol
Im new to this site and how it works, but i love looking through the different quilts you ladies have done. Could you please tell me were you got the pattern for the star quilt i really would like to do one out of Christmas Fabric I have been collecting
Thanks Mary Bowman
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