Now I know I've never been the best at posting regularly...but I've NEVER been this bad...the title says it all...LIFE! I'll give the shortest version possible so as not to bore you to tears. Two weeks ago Wednesday I was up in my sewing room, standing on the steps that go down into the storage area...I thought I was on the bottom step...nope there was one more and down I went with a THUD! Andy and the dogs came running up to find me on the floor with my left foot in an interesting postition. Andy got me up and downstairs to the and elevated...I was going to be fine...didn't get much sleep all night and when I tried to get out of bed I couldn't put any weight on it...Andy decided we were going to the Doc in a Box and get it checked...6 x-rays, a blow up cast, and crutches later we left with a very sprained ankle...orders from the doc...stay off of the ankle...3-4 days on the couch. Well, I was good until Sunday and I made my way upstairs one step at a time...I had to do some sewing and I knew that starting Monday I'd get nothing done...Hampton was coming. I pretty much stayed upstairs all day...Andy even brought me lunch so I didn't have to come down. What a sweetie!
Monday, was my birthday and what a fun day it was.
Sharon posted that it was my birthday and I got lots of e-mail birthday wishes...thanks Sharon. I also got some wonderful mail goodness for my birthday...look at these goodies from Sharon...

The cutest honey pot, a wooden Santa box, thank you notes, birthday tissues and one of her wonderful bags...Love that bag! Thanks Sharon.
Look at these birthday goodies from Tammy...
Sorry for the glare on the picture...It is sooooooooooo cute...all wool...and look at this little bag full of's what was inside...
Coasters, a snowman notepad, a bookmarker and stickers for holiday fun. And also in the package was this box...
OMG, if you live near a Trader Joe's, love Oreo's and candy canes...I'm telling you, run, don't walk, and buy yourself some of these YUMMY cookies. I have them hidden in the pantry...I did give one to mom, but I hid them from Josh. Thanks Tammy!
Monday I went and got mom and brought her home to await Hampton's arrival...they got in around 10 and the excitement began. We tried very hard not to get him too wound up, but you know that wasn't easy. We got him to bed so that we could celebrate his birthday on Tuesday...little Hampton is 2! Hampton loves when I was in Williams-Sonoma and they had this wonderful cake pan that made acorn cakes I didn't even have to think twice...acorn cakes for Hampton's birthday breakfast.
This is my good friend Carol Ann's daughter Anna holding Hampton so he can blow out the candles. Anna and Carol Ann stopped by to wish Hampton a happy birthday.
Hampton loves Handy Manny from the Disney we had to go see him at the Disney Studios...
We actually saw the character Handy Manny, but Hampton was a bit overwhelmed...but he sure loved the show and the picture on the side of the building. When we got home Hampton opened his gifts and I'm just going to share this one...opening his Wild Things quilt that I made for him...
Where the Wild Things Are was Josh's favorite book when he was 2, so this was a must along with the book. He loved it. One last picture...Hampton with his Handy Manny birthday cake...Josh baked it and Katie did the decorating.

It was a wonderfully fun day! This post ended up longer than I planned so I promise I'll be back tomorrow with Hampton's first haircut day...see those curls in the back...they won't be there tomorrow.
Oh, I'm so sorry about your accident...I've wondered where you were...and I read Sharon's blog, too, but didn't catch on! So, hope you're feeling better and congrats on all the fun goodies!
I am so sorry about your accident -glad you are on the mend!
Hampton is a doll! Can't wait to see more pics of him with his new do!!
HAPPY belated birthday to Hampton. What cute photos. I hope your foot is better Miss Carol!!
Ouch! That was a huge misstep! Hope your ankle recovers well and soon. Looks like that didn't keep you from celebrating and enjoying your family. Happy birthday. :)
Oh you poor girl! Ouch! Hope you have a speedy recovery so you can navigate those stairs like a pro.... and Hampton... what a dollie! He is about the cutest little boy I have ever seen. :o)
Oh my....sorry to hear about your ankle!! I have this funny habit of counting the stairs in my house EVERY time I go up or down them....just to make sure I make every step!! Sounds like you are healing quickly and keeping you with all the FAMILY AND FRIEND FUN!!
Happy Birthday a bit late. I am bad about keeping track of birthdays. I don't want to even think of my own as I get older! You certainly got some nice gifts from Bloggy Friends.
Wow! The acorn cake. What a cute idea. It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time with your little man. It is so nice that you got to celebrate his birthday right there with you. Those little ones tend to grow up so fast. I know you are enjoying him.
Oh dear - that sounds like a bad tumble you took. Hampton must have been the best medicine of all! Happy (belated) birthday to you both *s*
Oh boy, you had lots to share! Hampton is adorable. He is growing so fast! You had birthdays together! Love the acorn cakes! Wishing you well!
Oh dear, so sorry to hear about your ankle, you are a trooper.
What wonderful pictures of Hampton, he is just adorable. Your birthday goodies are special, loved them all!
Whew, glad you're in one piece. I had a similar experience at DisneyLand when I was Hampton's age. I think it was Mickey Mouse. Tears ensued in my case.
Happy Belated Birthday and my friend, you are so loved!!! Thank you for sharing some of the ways in which it was expressed.
I totally understand about time spent on the couch - I spent 3 weeks on mine! Thank goodness, I don't have to do much of that now! I hope you're feeling ever so much better, Carol. I always have to be careful going up or down our stairs, since I have 3 wiener doggies that like to come up or down with me. It can be very challenging at times, but I'm not complaining.
Love, love, love the photos of Hampton, and I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday with lovely gifts from good friends.
Those acorn cakes turned out adorable!! Did he go nuts? What a fun visit you all had! I can't wait to see him with his first haircut. It's always so hard to cut off those first curls!
Wow what goodness! Such a fun day for your little man!
PS: be careful those Joe Joe's are addicting!
Happy Belated Birthday Carol -- I'm glad your leg is feeling better!
Welcome back to blogland. Sorry to hear about your ankle ouch! Happy belated b-day! It looks like Hampton had a great b-day too.
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