Christmas morning was the best...Santa left a note thanking Hampton for the cookies and the carrots for the reindeer...Santa brought Hampton a's wonderful...look at the long handle on the more bending over to help push the tricycle until he figures out the why didn't someone think of that when I had a little one with a trike. LOL!
Christmas lasted several days as you'll guess from the next picture...different PJ's for Mamie...this is the day after Christmas...I think he opened gifts for 4 was a riot...he played with each and every present after he opened it and then went back to some several times. He's opening the Dance Cam that Grandy and I gave him...
OMG! Technology! This hooks up to the TV and it has a little web cam like camera in also has graphics that show up on the screen of the TV and plays songs...Hampton stands in front of the TV and dances up a storm and he's on the TV...we had tons of fun...they can also hook their IPod up to it and he can dance to some of his favorites. Here are he and Grandy dancing...
Grandy sure looks like he's concentrating. LOL! I tried to video this on my digital camera but you all know, I am no techno queen...I never did quite get it right.
Hampton's Nana (my mom) gave him his first computer...she gave Josh his first computer, but he was a whole lot older than Hampton she wanted to give Hampton his. OMG! This was just amazing! This computer is made by Leap Frog and it's hard to believe that at 2 he's clicking a mouse. He loves this.
He'll be giving me lessons real soon. One last picture of my Christmas boy...What a fun, fun Christmas.
The mailman found me in Birmingham...what fun! Christmas gifties from Tammy...
Wonderful table topper.cookie cutters, that cute vintage Christmas box with Valdani perle cotton inside, yummy Trader Joe's dark chocolate and a chocolate ornament for the tree. Look at that primitive candy cane ornament. That red box in the let me give you a close up...Now remember for my birthday, Tammy sent me Trader Joe's Peppermint Joe Joe's...they were beyond belief...well these are the most amazingly wonderful cookies ever...they are the same cookies only they're covered in dark chocolate...yummers! I shared one with guessed the gym, to the gym to the gym I must go. Also in this amazing Christmas package was this "herd" know how I love the herd...well there are 5 in this herd...all have scarves and hats and are they ever cute. These will be out all year long. I just love them.
And look at this angel pillow
...she's right near me in my sewing room...Thank you sure did spoil me!
Well I followed my mom's advice...she always says only do what you want to do all year on New Year's no cleaning, no laundry (I know I have to do that all year, but I don't WANT to)...I sewed my Peace on Earth BOM block from Fat Quarter Shop done...
And I got my Simply Sophisticated BOM done...I sure do like this BOM...the Fat Quarter Shop does a great job...comes on time and always more than enough fabric. So I'm starting the year right...sewed and I'm caught up...with these 2 BOM's anyway...LOL!
Looking forward to a great 2009...
I have seen one of those tricycles with the push handle behind and thought the same as you. Where were these things when my kids were little?
Your gifts from Ms. Gingerpatches are wonderful. She knows what you like!
Looks like you had a wonderful time on your trip.
Happy New Year Carol. Great handle on that bike. That is hysterical seeing you push it. LOLOL
Great Photos--- Happy New Year, love the presents.... Way too cool Grandma in those PJs!!!!!!
Yeah Hampton pictures!!! What a wonderful Christmas you all had!! I can't believe how big he is getting--and is it possible? Is he getting cuter every month? What a little sweetie he is! I love that tricycle with the handle, yeah where were those 20 years ago? I'm loving you in all your cute comfy jammies :) Bummer about the video...maybe on your next know I want to see him dance :)
I'm glad you liked your presents, I was so excited when I found the herd--I was like "Carol"!! :) Happy New Year!!!!
Looks like you had a really wonderful Christmas, Carol. Cute tricycle! Dang, why didn't I know about that New Year's thing? I didn't do one lick of sewing - I defrosted the freezer and did laundry. Yikes! I'll be a busy girl this year doing boring chores!
Oh Hampton looks like he had a great christmas! Love the angel pillow and everything else!
Happy New Year, Carol. Love the trike but I especially adore Master Hampton.
Your giftees from my Lil Sis Tammy are too cute - I got some great ones, too. teehee
he is getting so big!
and always adorable!!!!
OH he will love leap frog wait to you see what he learns from that.
The tricycle is great for US!!!! no more bending over, where was that 18 years ago????
Love your presents from Tammy, that angel pillow is just adorable what size is it?
Seeing Christmas thru the eyes of child, nothing better...
glad you were there to share it.
I love all your jammies. Your grandson looks like he is having the best time and that is what Christmas is all about. Happy New Year Carol!
Wow, that lil' guy is growing like a weed. Just one question, that plush red character chair that he's sitting in . . . do they make those for big people?
Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little guy is too cute!
It's nice to see that we are working on the same projects! I need to get caught up on many of them.
Let me know what you are going to read. I'm always on the hunt for the next great book!
Wow Carol! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas -- LOVE your jammies! Hampton is adorable!
And WHAT??? Why didn't you tell me you should only do what you want to do all year long on New Year's Day??? I CLEANED all day long. AACCCKKKK -- I DEFINITELY don't want to do much of that this year!!!
Nothing like the view of the world with a little one . . . . looks like it was a fun holiday for everyone *s* Happy New Year!
Oh I love seeing those pictures of Hampton. And I know somebody that is going to need one of those triclyles. The dance game, how fun is that. Such a wonderful time you had, the joy just jumps off the screen...and wonderful gifties also.
Such enjoyable photos of your holiday activities. Gotta love that little Hampton! So cute.
Happy New Year!
Oh what fun he had!! What a joy!
Happy New Year to you!
Looks like Hampton had a ton of fun over the Christmas season....the tricycle is too funny. Great seeing you in your jammies...LOL
I wish someone told me about the New Years thing, I would have brought my sewing machine to the inlaws.
Isn't it fun to have little ones around at Christmas? They have such a ball with all of their loot. Bike is a hoot, and so is the computer. Glad you'll had such a wonderful Christmas. I hope 2009 is also wonderful for your whole family. I know you are exciting about the coming granddaughter.
Goodness gracious! I am sooooo far behind in my blog reading! Look at all the beautiful gifties you received from Tammy - everything is adorable! Your BOM blocks are gorgeous - you did such a nice job on them.
Hampton is cuter than ever, and he's growing up too fast, isn't he? Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you all things wonderful in 2009!
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