I have no clue how it got to be Monday again already, but it is...so that means it's Diet Challenge Monday. Here's my before picture...

These jeans are my favorite jeans and they used to fit perfectly...well, as you can see the zipper no longer stays up and check out that button...looks like it could fly across the room at any moment. So, I refuse to buy new clothes in a larger size...I'm going to get into the clothes I have...Thanks to
Sharon I'm thrilled to say that I've lost 2.5 pounds this week. I started using Sharon's idea of writing down everything I eat...

I'm convinced this is the best thing I've ever done. It has forced me to think long and hard before I put something in my mouth...if it's bad, I don't want to write it down. I know it's a game...it's all in my head...but it's working. I'm eating better and I'm accountable for what I eat. Thank you so much Sharon for doing this for us. I'm ready for the new week.
This isn't Diet Challenge related but I just had to share this picture...we've had the herd this week...here they are after out last walk before bed and waiting for their nite nite treat.

This just cracks me up...looks like Trick or Treat...Andy goes around the group "One for you, one for you, one for you and one for you" and around the circle again. They are so funny...it's probably the only time during the day that all 4 sit still.
Good for you! 2.5 is great!!
Good for you, and brave to show your before pic....lol wish I looked that good in my fav jeans...
You go girl!!
OMG!! lololol Very good Ethel!! You did it! Now let's work on getting those jeans zipped shall we??
I'm surprised you werent lying on that floor with your mouth open waiting for a treat with the herd!!
Oh those doggies crack me up lol!! I love the intent look of concentration on their faces :) Good job this week 2.5 lbs yay!! I need to go do my post...just got home from strip club!
2.5 that is GREAT!!!! Love your before picture. So sweet of the gang also :-)!!!! I am also going to start writing everything down.
Hey good for you!! It's much harder for you skinny gals to lose weight and 2.5 pounds is fantastic!! Loving the picture too funny! I think I have some clothes around here that look quite similar!
That's the best before picture EVER! Very, very clever Ms. Carol. Love the dog pic too -- I'm surprised they don't go after each other -- must be some pretty good dogs in that group!
WoooHoo! You are on a roll! Pretty soon you will be sporting a NEW pair of jeans because your old ones are too SMALL!
I know that writing down what you eat can work. Good job!
It must be a real handful to have all the herd at one time! But good that you can share pet care with your neighbors and know that they are well cared for.
Love the jeans picture!
You go girl....loosing 2.5 pounds is super awesome, those jeans will be zipping up soon.
WooHoo for you!! Way to go!
Well done Carol! I've read many times that no matter what "diet" you are doing, one of the three most important things you can do is to write down everything you eat. So many of us don't realize how samples at Costco, tastes when we are making dinner, a cookie or two at guild meeting - you get the idea - adds up to a LOT of food! Enough to add on those pounds. What I'm struggling with most at the moment is wanting flavored Coffeemate in every cup. Sure wish they would make more flavor choices non-fat!!!!!!!
Good job so far! Writing down what you eat is a great idea. I say anything that works is good!
I love all the dogs. We have three labs (yikes!) and they are such great dogs!
Food journaling is a good way to help detect any food sensitivities as well. The dogs, so sweet being on their best behavior. Lucy does her most perfect sit when a treat appears.
Hooray for the pounds gone bye-bye!
The herd is so adorable - I never get tired of looking at them!
They look so well behaved! :)
And congrats on the weight loss, that's a good start.
Hurray for you! Yes, writing it all down seems to make us more accountable!
Well done on your weight loss. Those doggies are so funny ... my Molly would fit in so well. She lives for food!
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