I got wonderful mail goodness all the way from Australia
...I've never gotten a package from Australia in my entire life...it was so exciting.
Kate had a drawing on her blog a couple of weeks ago and I won...YIPPEE!
Cute pillow cover made from Swell...I'm going to get a pillow form tomorrow...I have just the right place to put it...yummy, yummy chocolate and an Australian Homespun magazine...I just love it...thank you Kate.
In yesterday's mail my Simply Sophisticated BOM installment came...got it done today.
This is going to be the prettiest quilt....and best of all...I'm all caught up.
No weight gain is wonderful.
Wonderful package of goodies from down under.
Yay for you! When I start working out again after a long time, I gain weight again before I lose it, too--I think it's because you're gaining muscle(?). So if your clothes are fitting better--that's the best measure...yay for you!
Those goofy little setbacks always happen a few weeks into the diet -- good for you for sticking with it. And thanks for your comment on my Pennie Pockets -- my mailbox was full and some of my comments didn't get forwarded to my e-mail -- I think yours was one of them!
Good for you Carol. You are an exercising fool over there. YOU GO GIRL!! WOOHOOO on the Australian package. Love those Tim Tams.
Your newest BOM is beautiful. And your all caught up too. Good for you.
Sounds like you're gaining muscle not fat!! Dod you know that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat? So when you get in shape sometimes it looks like you're gaining. Sometimes scales just suck :) Love your BOM and yay for you keeping all caught up!!!
No weight gain is good but I have a feeling your just gaining muscle weight and that is a good thing!
Aren't you a lucky gal to win a blog giveaway! I'm still waiting for my day....they say it is like winning the lottery; you have to buy the ticket! I guess I'm not real good about finding all the giveaways to enter! LOL
Lucky you!! Your BOM..glad you are caught up...I'm behind on too many!! haha
Remember slow and steady wins the race!
Congratulations on your goodies! I love that Swell fabric line.
Good job on your BOM. Isn't it nice to be caught up?
Have a good day!
Remember slow and steady wins the race!
Congratulations on your goodies! I love that Swell fabric line.
Good job on your BOM. Isn't it nice to be caught up?
Have a good day!
What great mail...love the swell pillow cover!
No weight gain is a good thing. Keep it up. How fun to win a give-away and have all those goodies show up in your mail box.
Enjoy your day.
You got chocolate Koalas? You know, those are the worse candies anyone could send you from Oz. Trust me.... I know! As a friend, allow me to take them from you. I'll dispose of them as I see fit! Really, you do not want to eat those. They are not worth the calories. You lucky gal to get goodies from Oz. Everything is so sweet except for the chocolate koalas. You have my address righ? Enjoy the magazine and not the chocolat koalas! What are friends for? lol
Ms. Carol! My e-mail's goofy again (not me this time!) so I just wanted to hop on here to say thanks for your comment about putting the penny in a purse when you give it -- I can't believe I've never heard that -- everyone else has LOL!
If your clothes are fitting better I'm betting that your putting on muscle while losing fat. Keep up the great work!
You got some real fun treats and your blocks look great!
i spy the wonderful tim tams, sighhhhhhh. they are sooo good. congrats on the clothes fitting better, always great when the body starts to reshape itself for the better.
I love Homespun magazine when I can get my hands on one. Which is very rare. I like the fabrics on your BOM.
Wow! The blocks came in the mail one day and are done the next. You are right on top of things. Looks like you are keeping to the plans you made for the New Year.
A package from Australia! That's wonderful!!!
Your BOM's look great!
Your Bom blocks look great- and those Australian goodies are really nice!
Glad the goodies arrived safely; I hope you ignored the advice about the caramello koala, they are divine! Sounds like you've probably put on muscle, and that's a good thing :-)
Love the baskets.
Don't you just love it when the clothes start to feel loose? I admire you for exercising. It always seems like such a good idea and I never seem to manage it.
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