Sorry but this Loser Monday post is going to be just as boring as my Stash Report...nothing gained...nothing lost. Actually I'm very thrilled to say nothing gained...after our Saturday tree trimming job we met friends for dinner at one of our favorite local Italian Restaurants. We had wonderful bread...a huge antipasto platter that the 4 of us shared...a wonderful pasta/chicken dish...several glasses of wine and all topped off with a yummy cannoli. I guess all that cutting, sweating, bundling the branches and limbs, and hauling them to the back of the house until the trash man comes Wednesday. So I guess I did OK this week!
You did better than OK...you did great!
I agree with Teresa! You are doing great. And as Dori from Finding Nemo says "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." Your going to make it. Have a great day! Em
You did great! No change is much better than a change in the wrong direction!
That's my story too. No loss and no gain. So it's a good thing the way I see it.
No gain is awesome! I'll find out Weds how I did this past week...
Nothing gained is almost as good as losing in my book.
Not gaining, that is a very good thing. Good job.
All that hard work outdoors paid off, didn't it? You had such a wonderful meal - my mouth is watering - and you didn't gain an ounce! Hooray for yard work!!
Great job sister even if it stays the same I still look at that as an accomplishment because it's not going up :) - and that meal sounds wonderful.
good job on no gain, but think about what you would have gotten if you'd eaten a little smarter! you can do it (ok, a bite or two of cannoli... those are dang hard to pass up)
I decided to be a rebel this week and not post! ;o) Cheers!
Nothing gained is FANTATIC!!! That's a great Looser Monday report. The tree trimmng party sounded fun!
Yard work can take a lot out of you. The dinner reward sounds like a awesome time.
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