When we went outside this morning to walk the dogs we were met with the most wonderful smell...out magnolia blossoms had finally opened. This is a small tree right in front of our

garage...we have 3 other large magnolia trees in the yard and they are all full of blossoms and are beginning to pop open.

They smell heavenly...and have the most delicate snow white petals...can you smell them?
Then just outside our front door is this Knockout rose bush

...it has gone absolutely crazy this year and gotten more roses than it's ever had before...it is amazing...and I really don't do a whole lot to it...it gets watered when the sprinklers come on, I trim it when it gets scraggly looking, and I fertilize it once a month

...my kind of plant...very low maintenance.
Stash report for this week...hard to believe it's already week 17 of this year.
Fabric Added this Week: 8.5 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date:26.25 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 7.5 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 99.75 yards
Fabric Busted: 73.5 yards
Beautiful flowers! How lucky to find a low maintenance rose :) i always look forward to my magnolia tree blooming.
Beautiful roses. I'm so jealous. In Wisconsin the tulips are first coming up. :0(
I think I can smell them, love that smell...
Hampton and Baby sister pic is just adorable, what an awesome big brother he will be.
It must have been Magnolia we were smelling when we went out last night for a short walk. I planted a Magnolia tree when we lived in Orlando. It did poorly in the front yard, so I transplanted it to the back yard. It grew but no blossoms until the last spring we lived there. And then only two or three! Wonder what it is like now!
You are doing pretty good on the stash busting.
I love magnolias...it's just too hot here for them!!!
I think magnolia trees are my very favorite. We have a really short growing season here. Daffodils are just starting to pop out! Sniff Sniff.
So Beautiful !!!!
Sniff...I see the bloom...sniff... maybe I get a hint of lovely fragrance. :-)
I just love the beauty of Magnolia trees! I would love to have one!
Beautiful flowers. I love Magnolia's and your rosebush is magnificent. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day! *karendianne.
I can almost smell the magnolias....they are beautiful! Your roses are lovely, too. I'm glad you don't have to fuss with the rose bush. My mother use to grow roses, and was always fussing with them, so I never wanted to plant any - I'm too lazy!
Your stash busting is impressive, Carol. You are my hero.
Oh, What a beauty!
I can almost smell the magnolia. We used to have one in Florida too and the kids loved climbing that tree.
Oooh, I can't wait for flower season to begin here in MN. All of your plants look very healthy.
Sweet photo of the grand children too.
Just saw the picture of Camden and Hampton - how absolutely adorable - she is so sweet.
I love your flowers. This is such a wonderful time of year. I try on Friday evenings to stay in Boston after work so I can walk down Comm Ave and see all the magnolias in bloom - it's always been one of my favorite signs of spring (after apple blossoms).
Beautiful pictures! I just love Spring when all the flowers come back to life!
Oooh, beautiful flowers Carol. And the picture of your babies is just adorable -- even "I" can't wait for you to get there ;-) !
What beautiful flowers Carol!!!!
Love your magnolia. We had to take ours out, too close to septic. I do miss it. Pop over & check out my spring florals.
Darling pics of children.
TTFN~ Marydon
I can almost smell them! They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
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