Andy left Wednesday at around noon for a long weekend in the Keys with some friends from college...they had a great time...The 5 of them try to get together at least once a year...very, very fun! I thought I'd have tons of time to sew my little fingers off, but I had major computer laptop went was locking files, and not opening things, I'd try to open one thing and something else would open instead. Took it to the trusty Geek Squad at Best Buy, I love Sean there, he got me all fixed up...said Windows was corrupted...go figure?! So a day without my computer and then a day to get everything loaded back on and ready to go again. It's running like a champ now.
Mother always worries that I don't eat when Andy's gone so she insisted that I go to her place for brunch on off I was great, always good to see mom and the food was wonderful, but Sunday was gone and then Andy came home Monday...POOF the week was gone.
I did get my Simply Sophisticated blocks done
I've started a new don't laugh, since I can hardly keep this one up to date...but I have some fabric and books that need new I thought I'd keep it separate from my regular blog....the address is Brown Quilts and MORE...I'll let you know here when I post something new and you can check it out. I just finished the first post with some fabric.
I'm off to finish my BOM...I'll check in later...hopefully with a picture.
Isn't it funny how it takes us so long to recover from our vacations! And that was just the sweetest Hampton story...I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to leave!
Welcome home so good to have you back.
I've been checking here and wondering if you were that busy quilting since you had said that was the plan. Bummer!!
Good idea to have your separate blog and sell some things. And I didn't laugh at you having a 2nd blog.
I think Hampton loves you very, very much!
I can relate so much to your emotions when leaving Hampton. I get emotional when saying goodbye on the phone. LOL It's good to have you back tho.
It's darn hard to leave...thanks for sharing a sweet bit of your time with the kids and welcome home again.
Sweet story about Hampton! I'm glad your laptop with all it's "stuff" was recovered. Great BOM blocks. Welcome home and happy stitchin'
Oh..... Hampton's story is so sweet.... He loves you so much, I bet it was so hard for you to leave...
Glad you had a good time. Welcome back.
Just think -- now you can look forward to your next visit with your babies. I'll bet the dogs were glad to see their mama come home!
I got teary eyed just reading about your departure and totally know the feeling.....although I get that way and Addison only lives 9 miles away!! There is just something about grandchildren!! Glad you are back safe!! Missed you!
Glad to see that you are back, but I know that you miss your Little Angels so much!
I know it was difficult for you to leave Lil Miss Camden and Hampton. Selfishly I have to admit that I'm really glad that you're home. teehee
OH I know it killed you to leave. Maybe soon you can end up in the same area.
Oh Carol, you poor baby! It is so difficult to leave those little ones. Mine are mostly big now, and wait until I am about to leave before they realize they don't want me to. So at least I know they still love me. But when they are so small and you can hold them and kiss them and all that good stuff-it is so hard to let go of that! Big Hugs! (Not nearly as satisfying, I know!)
Your heart-breaking good-bye to Hampton brought tears to my eyes. My Gwennie is the same when I leave - she wraps her arms around my neck, and sobs. I feel just awful leaving her.
I'm sorry about your computer problems - such a pain! I'm glad to hear it was solved quickly, and you weren't without the internet for very long.
I wish I'd made the Simply Sophisticated BOM now - I love each and every block of it!
I will definitely check in at your new blog!
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