I was cutting up a storm today...I like to cut a bunch and then sit and sew...this is pretty scrappy and I wanted to keep the blocks organized...so since I had a bunch of clothes pins out in the garage...not sure why I saved them since our homeowner's association doesn't allow us to hang clothes out...I put them to good use. Each clothes pin has all the pieces for 1 block.
We're going to see our friend tomorrow and deliver her quilt. We got really good news...even though the tumor was the size of a baseball the pathology report came back benign. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. She's not out of the woods yet...there was some damage done to her brain getting the tumor out, but they are all very confident with lots of rehab she'll be back...her speech was the most affected, and she has a good bit of work to do on fine motor skills and her balance but she's strong and has lots of great support. Well, when Andy said this morning that he wanted to go see her tomorrow because they don't do as much therapy on the weekend so her day is more free, I said I can't go unless I get a label on the quilt. He said that he'd been thinking about the label a lot. I left for an hour to walk and came home and he announced that he had the wording done. I got it on fabric, but a border on it and I'm stitching it down tonight. I just have to share with you his wonderful message...
That says it all...my man is a sweetie!
I'm jealous you got your FQS Designer Mystery BOM 2009 pkg!!!
I haven't gotten a UPS notification yet :^((( I can relate as to how upset you were when you saw the UPS van stop and drive off and no pkg only to see her run back to your house and deliver it! Have fun putting the first block together!
Woooohooooo,Your mystery BOM package looks sooooooo good, love those fabrics!
Thank you for sharing the message, It's very kind & sweet.those words tells all.How wonderful your hubby is. :-)
I think I'll get started cutting out my block tonight when I square up some HSTs. Will get it sewn and posted hopefully tomorrow. Such beautiful fabric!! Great message on the label!
That is the best label - ever! Sending good thoughts that your friend continues to improve.
Oh, I'm loving your new BOM - one very pretty quilt in your future!
The label is perfect for the quilt for friend - way to go, Andy!
And, the scrappy pieces all pinned together with the clothes pins - clever idea! Great use for those pins.
Your DH came up with a beautiful message for the label. Your friend will be blessed for sure.
What a great label writer Andy is. Just a perfect thing to write on it!
UPS delivers on Saturday? I thought they only delivered Mon. through Friday. I think you can keep up with the new project along with your others. Good use for those clothespins. I don't think I have mine any more. We aren't allowed to have a clothesline here either.
Well, mine isn't too far away then.......and I haven't even finished the last BOM.....
oh, lucky you! Mine will be ages away, being in Australia...
I am so jealous that you got your FQS package and I didn't. LOL!!
I can't wait to see it in person.
How very thoughtful of your husband to be a part of the quilt!! Truly special!! As for the UPS people...well you know I am partial to mine....and he works until he can't run anymore!! Glad they delivered!!
An interesting block. This will be fun to watch you make.
That is a very nice label an a super nice hubby to write it up.
So glad to hear the tumor was benign. What a miracle modern medicine is. The quilt is quite simply such a lovely and thoughtful gift with the perfect label!
That's a lovely message on the label. Love your BOM (look forward to watching it come to life - keep the pictures coming!) and cracked up at the UPS story. I related to it, too. Funny how we have the "Brown Delivers at X p.m." down to a science.
And really dig all those cuts ready for a round of "She Sits and Sews!"
Hot and Steamy Florida Friend, *karendianne.
Wow, wonderful message, all I can say is you should marry that man!!
Best wishes to your friend.
Yes hang onto him.....that is a perfect message.
Amazing what the breed can come up with at times..........lol.
They are poets and writers after all. Maybe we underestimate them too much.
My ex always said more in his letters than he could face to face.
Maybe we should encourage them to write more.
Darn you, Carol - I thought I could resist the 2009 Mystery but seeing your block and especially that gorgeous setting, I think I may have to give in!
Great use for those clothespins! I will have to remember that trick!
Look at you sew (and cut)! The new BOM is going to be gorgeous! I love your organization process.
Andy is a keeper for sure - what beautiful words from his heart.
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