YIPPEE!!! I was able to draw a big line through one more top from my to do list. Thanks to the Charming Girls Club

, a top that I absolutely love is finished. I realized that I started this one well over a year ago...I wish I could understand why I do this...I love it and then somehow I push it to the back of the stacks and it's lost for a long time. I need to work on this... I rounded up my quilt holder so I could take a picture...hmm don't think this is exactly what I had in mind...

There that's better...

I achieved my August Charming Girl goals! WAHOO!
Well done, its stunning, I love those reds and blues!! I better get a move on with my two tops..!!!
Very pretty!
I do that, too, go great guns to start and then hit the breaks then on to the next project. But it IS a great feeling when you do finally get around to finishing. NICE job..it's a beauty!
Woohoo!!!!! Congrats - that is gorgeous!!!!!
Gorgeous! I love hemming house. How do you forget a quilt that looks that good? :-)
Very nice! Love the fabrics. Congratulations on finishing it!
Congrats on your 2nd finish this month! The borders finish it off perfectly :^)
That looks like something Mr CnW would do...on purpose. LOL I LOVE that quilt!
Good for you! I put mine on my blog today too, we're quite in sync lol!! I like the white border. I decided against scallops also...I just didn't want to do the 6-1/2" maybe the next pattern I make by her. She scallops ALL of her quilts!! She told me I could bring it in and she'd walk me through it so that gives me more courage lol!!
It's just beautiful....and what a FAITHFUL quilt holder you have!! Have a good week!!
what an accomplishment getting this quilt done!
good for you , it looks awesome!
will you hand quilt it????
wow, its beautiful....
great work...
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Oh, I love it, love it, love it! Such a pretty quilt. Red and blue - sigh - my favorite colors!
First of all, your quilt holder cracked me up. I just love this nice big quilt. What plans do you have for it? Your points are all so nice. I just love the colors, was this a collection? You are cruising on your August goals. Now I need to get moving. LOL
Wow - great job - that is a beautiful quilt!
OMG!You are awesome ! Two quilt tops done in one month! With two weeks to spare!
Ok now you have given me more motivation to finish my two projects.
Have a good Monday!
Congrats on a beautiful quilt!
Wow! Great finish there! Lots of triangles.
I wasn't home at the time to commit to projects for August on the Charming Girl Club, so I am slacking at finishing. It really does help to participate in it.
Beautiful quilt! I love the fabric. Mr. quilt holder is a hoot! What a help :)
Great work on another finish, I think that quilt is a keeper. Your quilt holder has done a good job too.
Fabulous quilt Carol, and good for you getting done!
OMG -- it's gorgeous! Really just lovely Carol. I do the exact same thing. Somehow, when I get the top finished -- I lose almost all interest in the project! If I figure this out, I'm going to share with you - and if you figure it out, let me know, too! Great quilt holder -- sweet hubby!
I love this one-- it'll be a classic that never goes out of style... Great job on the finish.
Way to go, Carol! I love that one, too. When you find the answer as to why you don't finish the quilts you love until they've been around a while, let me know. I have a long list of those.
It is beautiful. Looks like you'd really have to be careful to get the fabric placement just right.
YAY! Love this pattern and the fabrics!
Very nice indeed! (although it was hard to tell draped over some fella's shoulder LOL
Congratulations Carol -- it looks great! Love that differently styled quilt shot too LOL!
Ohh, I love it!!! How did I miss this? Hmmm.
lol - That looks like something Curt would do! To funny! Super quilt...you do wonderful work my friend.
Lovely work...I love that the club keeps us on our toes and digging in the UFO basket...because I too put things in the basket before it is completely finished. I think it's called Obessesive Complusive Disorder(OCD)
I got a big chuckle out of this post! Gotta love those quilt holders. I love the quilt that you finished, it is just beautiful.
What a gorgeous quilt! I love it when you cross something off your list...it's always something wonderful for us to see!
Wow, that came out beautiful! Your quilt holder has a sense of humor!
You've been a busy bee! Gosh, when you mentioned that I'd be busy with the shoppe, you weren't kidding! But like you said, it's a good busy! Doing a bit of catching up before I start my chores! You're quilts are lovely! You've really been going to town with completing projects! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
You go girl. It is a lovely quilt.
That's beautiful and your model did a great job:)
Wonderful quilt, great finish!
Great quilt. That turned out nicely.
That is just beautiful!
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