Here are a few more pictures of Camden and Hampton from last weekend...OMG, they made us smile the entire weekend. Here's what mom did a good part of the weekend...
Camden loved her new quilt...
and this wonderful seat with all kinds of things to look at...
Howie made sure he was never too far away from her. She loved standing up...I think Andy did this for hours
...and he loved every minute of it.
Hampton had a wonderful time in the pool...he thought that the spa was just the right size for him...
he also thought riding on Grandy's raft was about the most wonderful thing in the world...
he had Josh pushing him around the pool all afternoon. This was Friday afternoon...he couldn't wait on Saturday to get back in the pool.
He was back in Andy's office and came out with my exercise ball...he and Grandy thought this was just a hoot...
Hampton's holding up the world.
What a wonderful, wonderful weekend we had. No sewing going on here at all...I did get some things cut plan is to bring my sewing machine downstairs to the dining room while Andy's recuperating. I can sew downstairs while he's resting, or hooked up to his machine...then I'll be right here if he needs me.
I'll try to get back here with a quick post on Tuesday to let you know how everything went. Have a great week!
Hampton had a wonderful time in the pool...he thought that the spa was just the right size for him...
He was back in Andy's office and came out with my exercise ball...he and Grandy thought this was just a hoot...
What a wonderful, wonderful weekend we had. No sewing going on here at all...I did get some things cut plan is to bring my sewing machine downstairs to the dining room while Andy's recuperating. I can sew downstairs while he's resting, or hooked up to his machine...then I'll be right here if he needs me.
I'll try to get back here with a quick post on Tuesday to let you know how everything went. Have a great week!
It does look like you had a grand old time with the grandchildren!
I hope Andy's surgery goes well and he is soon back up and fit as a fiddle. Is he having the kind of surgery where they go in from the side of the knee instead of up the front? Recovery is supposed to be faster and easier with that type. I am not a candidate for that type surgery, so will have to have the up the front of the knee when I have the other knee done. Boohoo! I am about to give in and have the surgery done.
Sending thoughts and prayers for an easy surgery...and fast recovery!
Carol, I just know you all were in pure heavenly bliss with the kids all there...they are growing so darned fast! Thanks for sharing your little bit of the world with us.
I will be thinking of you both and hope everything goes well.
the kids are adorable
glad you had a great week, nothing like having little children around to make everyone smile and happy.
have lots of hand work prepped to do while your playing nurse!
I hope hubby's surgery goes well and he recovers quickly :o)
Your grandbabies are sooo cute! I love seeing their pictures :o)
OMG! The Prince and the Princess are getting so BIG! Too cute and I do know how time flies!
Good luck to your DH & his surgery! I'll be thinking of you guys.
HUGS to both of you!
I do the same thing! It feels like I just posted, but I look and it's been a week. Sigh. You have a legitimate excuse though! The pics of the grands are just too cute!
My aunt is a nurse, and had the same surgery and machine. She brought the machine home BEFORE the surgery and got a workout on it. She also did a lot of swimming before her surgery, and it really helped her recuperate faster. That machine is a wonder. And the surgery too - she said she wished she hadn't waited so long.
I'll say a prayer for him!
Look at those cuties!! Looks like a great weekend. I love Camden's quilt--for a minute I thought it was square dance and I was wondering how I missed it...they are similar. I had a friend have a double knee replacement last Fall and she feels soo good now! I wish I could jump in that pool right're torturing me lolol!!!
Sweet pictures. Praying all goes well with Andy. I know others who have had knee replacements and they are doing great.
Precious picture of your mom and Camden!! What a fun time for you....looks like the perfect time was had by all.
Best wishes on knee surgery and recovery.....sounds like you have made good plans for the recovery process.
Cute little grandkids Carol! LOVE that baby quilt too. Good luck to you both on the surgery!
That looks so much better than sewing. I don't have gkids yet but someday!
Good luck with the knee thingy. I "babysat" my dad for the first week after he had double knee replacement. Then tag-team babysat rotating with my brothers. What a rough 6 weeks that was for all of us. You probably get along better with hubby than I did with my dad LOL.
Thanks for sharing the pictures...he is such a cutie. You should not worry about not posting more often than you do. I think I am going to try to post once a week. I just don't have that much to talk about every day. I kind of wish everyone would limit themselves to once a week, lol, maybe then I could keep up with my blog reading. Hope Andy does great with his recovery.
Beautiful Grandchildren! Prayers for an easy surgery and recovery for your Hubby. You are a smart woman to have your sewing already lined up!
Oh the Bliss! You know, Howie gets me every time with his sweet vigilance. I think the quilt is the PERFECT color and design for Camden. It's bright and happy and the design is eye-catching. All good for a baby me thinks. Hampton cracked me up in the Spa, which is just the right size for him and OMG, holding up the World! What symbolism.
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