I am one really lucky girl...I won a giveaway over at
Quilting on Turtle Hill...

I am over the top in love with the wonderful key chain...oh how did Cathy know that I lose my keys regularly in my purse...not any more...Thank you Cathy. I love the book, what a great pattern and look at those fat quarters and border fabric...I think Little Miss Camden will be getting a new quilt with that fabric. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Cathy...what a treat!
Andy's out of town for a few days and look who was in the pool this morning

...the boys went out back after their breakfast and were just having a fit...barking like crazy...I was almost afraid to look to see what all the commotion was about...here it was, this poor little frog that mishopped some time in the night and landed in the pool...but wasn't he smart, he found his own little island...the pool cleaner hose. I scooped him out with the net and put him back in the bushes. The boys spent another 20 minutes trying to figure out where he had gone.
Is there anyone that can believe that today is the 1st of August? Didn't we just do the 4th of July? The days are flying and I can't keep up...I need to sew faster...or maybe give up some things...cooking, cleaning, laundry....Hmmmm, I'll have to ponder that!
Nice goodies in the mail! Lucky little miss will be getting another quilt from her grandma, lucky GD!
The story of the frog is cute, particularly that the boys didn't like the frog one bit! LOL
Lovely gifties :o) Love it that the dogs get excited over frogs. Mine do too!
Frogs there and hummers here...animal kingdom gone wild!
Oh lucky you...I've had my eye on that book! The top it all off is wonderful new fabs!! Congrats!!!!
Your one lucky lady!!! Love your gifts!
Congrats on the win, those are some awesome goodies :-)
What a lovely win! Congratulations!
Cute froggy - and yes this summer is FLYING by. I feel like it's hardly started and it's over!
Congrats on your prize! Those fabrics would make a cute girlie quilt.
My Little Person also goes crazy over frogs!
I was just thinking about how time has just flown by us.Ughh......
Summer's almost gone -- it's SO sad! Nice goodies Carol!
Thank you Carol for posting about the giveaway. It was a nice cyber hug ;-)
I understand about the keys.....my beetle key broke years ago and I can't attach a keychain to it. So it is always a search in my messy purse to find it. I know other older Volkswagon owners have the same problem.
Great giveaway you won! So glad the boys "saved" you from the *giant* frog LOL! I second the motion on giving up stuff in favor of more quilting time!
Congratulations on the giveaway win! It is so nice to be able to make quilts for grandchildren, isn't it? Funny story about the tiny frog - I have two pugs that go crazy when they see a frog too. It's just about a daily occurrence down here, especially with all the rain we've had this summer.
What a lucky gal you are! I think the boys are easily entertained. They'd have a field day up here with possums, raccoons, and turtles galore. Did I mention skunks too!
You'll have to tell me how many quilts you like in that book. :) I have had my eye on it. What great loot!
What a nice haul you made, you lucky girl!
That little frog is just too cute - I'm glad the boys didn't get hold of him/her(?). I think it's funny what the dogs find to bark at - how dare that frog be in 'their' pool?!? LOL
p.s. NO, I can't believe it's already August!!!! Where has the year gone? It's almost Christmas! Yikes!
Great win Carol!!! That is one lucky little frog and what a great rescue. I am still in denial that it's August!
You scored girl!!! Those are great goodies.
Congrats on your prize! Those fabrics would make a cute girlie quilt.
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