There were parts of Florida that got snow today but not here...we got lots of sleet though. When we went out at 6:30 this morning to walk the dogs it started...I had lots of little ice pellets in the creases of my jacket by the time we got home...the boys had lots on them too...they couldn't figure out what in the world was going on...they kept looking up at the sky trying to see what was hitting them. It lasted until around 11...I looked out the window of my sewing room this afternoon and I saw these ice pellets that had collected on my neighbors roof

. Another neighbor said I missed it...she said the whole thing was full earlier. Stayed there all day, since it never really got above freezing all day. Tonight is supposed to be worse but there's no moisture in the air, and the clouds have all cleared. They're saying it will be 26 tonight which will break the 40 year old record of 27. They're also worried that it will stay that cold for an extended number of hours...that is very bad...the citrus and the strawberries are in big danger.
I completed one Charming

Girls goal today...I got the 6 Tuffets

done for the retreat gifts. These are just so fun to do. I filled them with crushed walnut shells and backed them with wool. I like to put the wool on the back because the pin cushion doesn't seem to slide off the arm of the couch or chair like when I put cotton on the back.
Tomorrow I plan on getting a baby quilt cut out. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
I love your little tuffets. Is that French General fabric by chance? I never thought to use wool on the back of the pincushion. I also use crushed walnut shells for stuffing pincushions; after I discovered them I never want to use anything else. It must be really cold there. Doesn't seem like usual weather for Florida.
Good idea about the wool on the back!! I have to try that- love the little tuffets!! Very cutE!I hope it warms up there soon!! Take care and stay warm!
I'm in South AL and we had COLD but sunshine all day. How could you have had sleet? Well, all I can say is "Please keep it there."
Eek! Oh I hope the crops are ok. I love your Tuffets, they are darling, good idea to use wool on the back!
Wow, you're having some crazy weather - BRRRRR!!!
I love your Tuffets - they are cute, cute, cute. :-)
Stay warm.
oh you know I love nine patches!
Love these little tuffets great fabric choices...
oh I wish you would have had some snow!
I like the idea of using wool on the back of a pincushion to help it stay in place. I had never thought of that. And I'm glad to see you talked about crushed walnut shells too!
Your tuffets are so sweet....I hope you are staying warm.
A tiny bit of snow would have been fun for a photo op. If it isn't going to snow then I hope it warms up for you!! (and the fruit)
Adorable tuffets and I agree with everyone else that the wool on the back is splendid!
Your little tuffets are adorable Carol. It looks like you're being very productive in the cold -- stay warm!
I hope it warms up for you. I love the tuffets and you used my favourite colours too.
It has been so miserable here. This morning there was ice on the little pond in our back yard. Our house is old, so we have lots of leaky windows and doors, so even with the heater running (and running) it feels cold. I am really hoping it will warm up next week!
I love your tuffets and the fabrics you used to make them. They're so adorable!
And what's up with this weather? My power went out late Friday night and didn't come back on until after 5:00 a.m. I'm used to using a generator to operate a window air conditioning unit when we have a hurricane, but I never thought of buying a portable heater!
Stay warm!
Those are great Carol. I love the fabric choice too.
I cant believe the weather you guys are having. Unreal.
Those tuffets are just too cute!
Thanks for the wool on the back tip! Getting some tuffets done is on my list for this month. Yours are adorable.
Brrrrrrrr...that's cold when it sleets and snows in Florida. I do hope the crops are not hit too hard. I saw on TV where this cold is hard on animals in zoos as well that are not used to these kinds of lows.
I like your tuffets. What a neat idea to take a gift for your retreat buddies. I may have to give that some thought (and action) this coming year.
I love your tuffets...they are cute. And thanks for that good tip of using wool! sorry to hear about your sleet.
Wow -- sleet and cold! Hope it's warmed up some! I love your Tuffets -- you're going to make some retreat ladies very happy! They are too much fun, aren't they?
Your tuffets are adorable.
Keep warm . . . . hope your normal weather returns to you soon *s*
Just love your tuffets. The idea of using wool is awesome.
It must be really cold there. Doesn't seem like usual weather for Florida.
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Carol, your little tuffets are simply divine! They will be perfect for some "little miss muffet". The old classics are great!
Sleet in Florida? That's just so wrong!! We think we're having a heat wave today at 32 degrees. Seriously.
Wooo.... I love those little tuffets!!!! Such a cutie! :-)
Found you by way of Humble Quilts. Your tuffets are just the sweetest things ever and the colors you used are just perfect.
Hope you are warmer now. Our northern Wisconsin winter is unusually mild and not much snow though we have been solid white since early November.
Very cute tuffets! Great idea with wool and I have yet to try walnut shells. Off to the pet store soon...
The tuffets are so sweet. Wool on the smart!! Sleet in your neck of the woods..FUN!!!
It must be really cold there. Doesn't seem like usual weather for Florida.
Very cute tuffets!
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