I sure haven't been a very good blogger lately...I can't tell you that anything thrilling or exciting has been going on in my life that has taken my time...well there was one thing...I met
Carrie Nelson last Tuesday for lunch while she was here teaching in Dade City...we had the best visit...we talked so much that the little restaurant we were in closed and we didn't even know it until they started locking the doors, they were so nice to put up with us...I've been sewing, but don't really have anything to show yet. I guess what I've really been working at is organizing and cleaning out a bit. I still have a 4 drawer file cabinet full of brand new books from the shop. I listed the Jo Morton books that I had on my other blog that I set up just for selling...
Brown Quilts and MORE...I have some Jan Patek books that I'm going to put up next...they'll be there by Friday (if I give myself a deadline I'm sure to get it done)...there are also two 6 yard pieces of Jo Morton fabric left up there (back a post or 2)...I have more fabric to put up too.
I do have some new pictures of Camden and Hampton that Katie sent this morning...they are growing like crazy...Camden is10 months old...how can that be...they sure had fun in the snow!
Isn't it fun meeting up with someone that you really enjoy talking with. I did a similar thing last week! Great time!
Sometimes it's nice just to clean up and organize. The babies are getting big!
I am glad that your Little Ones enjoyed the snow! The snowmen are super cute.
I am jealous...you had lunch with a superstar!
I can't wait to see what is next.
Well now if you are not a very good blogger than I am a really bad blogger, lol, you know a girl only has so much to say sometimes. Besides, we've been busy sewing, right?!
Way to go on the organizing and deaccumulating (sp?)! The grandkids look like they had such fun in the snow!! How cool that you had lunch with Carrie - I'm hoping to meet her at Quilt Market one of these days!!
Meeting up with Carrie was surely lots of fun for both you. She's a really sweetie.
And, look at those little people - they are just cute, cute, cute. And, did I mention CUTE. :-)
How awesome to meet Carrie! The kids are adorable!!
Sounds like you are busy! And those grand babies are so precious.
Well meeting Carrie is exciting, more excitement that I've had lately! I'll be interested in seeing the Jan Patek books - I found one at the Expo last year, had never heard of her, and fell in love with it.
Darling pics of darling little ones!
Well if you think you are a bad blogger, I am obviously not your measuring stick :) You know you're having a good time when close the place down, done that a few times lol!! Love the pictures; Hampton is so cute with his snowman, and did I mention getting really BIG??? They grow too fast!
How fun that Camden and Hampton got some snow! Looks like you've been really busy and up to fun -- even if you HAVE neglected your blog LOL!
Carrie is a sweetie. I took some classes with her in WI. Your posts are worth waiting for. I think that you are a great blogger.
Have to love the grandbabies, what cuties.
Lucky you having lunch with a star! The kids look like they are enjoying the snow, great fun for them.
Wish I'd known about the Jo book! I wasn't on the computer last night and missed out. Envious too of your lunch with Carrie....how fun!
Look at Hampton feeding his little sister. How sweet.
Nice to read you had a lovely visit with Carrie. What a treat for you both!!!
Good to see your post! It's always so enjoyable to have lunch with a quilter friend.
Sounds lke you are on a spring cleaning roll!! Good for you!!
Fun pic with the kids. Even if you don't always post regularly I like your blog.
Isn't Carrie so nice! I met her last year...and just signed up for a day class/dinner with her in April! And you are not a bad blogger...you're a great blogger...!
Isn't Carrie just so funny? How cool that you two got to hang out. Your babies are so dang cute... I get to see mine in a couple of days. I know what you mean about being a bad blogger. Don't worry about it, we'll all be here when you have something to say. LOL
Sounds like you gals had a great time *s*
Your life sounds a lot more exciting than mine! Enjoy those little ones. Blogging will wait.
Your life sounds a lot more exciting than mine! Enjoy those little ones. Blogging will wait.
Oh the kids are sooo cute Carol. Enjoying the snow it looks like.
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