...so you know that means goals...February Charming Girl's Club goals

. I'm a bit behind, I don't have the new logo up...I promise I'll have it up for my next post...here are my goals...
Turn this stack of fabric

into pillowcases for Hole in the Wall Gang...I did 5 this week and this stack will be 8 more...they sure are fun to do.
Sunday's Best for A Year of Schnibbles

...I have my fabric picked...I'm using Civil War Tribute and a piece of background from my stash.
Get Cameo cut out of this Birdie Honey Bun and Charm pack

...then I'll have to get to stitchin'...it's for Camden's 1st Birthday...can you believe she'll be a year old April 17th. Wasn't I just waiting for her to arrive??????
Get month 1 done of the Civil War Tribute Block of the Month

...I flipped over this quilt...I wasn't going to get involved in any more BOM's (except for the next Fat Quarter Shop Designer BOM) but this one just kept calling my name...
When I thought about my February goals I needed to finish the baby quilt that I cut last month...well, I didn't sleep very well night before last, went upstairs to sew for a bit and ended up almost finishing it...I just had to a couple of rows left to sew together...got that done yesterday and today I got the back sewn together...YIPPEE!

Done and so close to the beginning of the month. You know we have to sew faster this month...it's a short one!
Katie sent me some new pictures today...you know I have to share...

I love their outfits...Katie's been smocking up a storm again. She's getting to be quite the seamstress...Hampton's shirt is a long sleeve t-shirt with an opening in it...she did the smocking and inserted it, with piping, all be herself. She smocked Camden's dress and her mom made the dress...I'm betting she'll be making a little dress any day now. There is a picture of Camden and Josh that just almost made me cry...it's the sweetest thing...I'll have to share it next time...Blogger won't let me do any more pics tonight. ACK!
That's a cute baby quilt. I'm doing the Civil War Tribute BOM too. I'm hoping to do my first block soon so I don't get behind on it. Good goals for February.
Awesome goals for February, Carol. I'll be cheering you on. :-)
The baby quilt is adorable and it's done.
Dang it you had to show the Civil War Tribute BOM - I can resist - yes I can. LOL
Your Cameos quilt is going to be wonderful.
OMG, OMG can those little people get any cuter???? And, I'm so excited that Katie is enjoying smocking - that's awesome!
You are one busy bee!
Those grandbabies are sure growing up. They are both soooo cute! I think that they look just like their grandma!!!
WOW you've got alot going on there. Love the baby quilt. That BOM is a complicated thing. You enjoy that. lol
Love Schnibbles. And I can not believe that little baby girl is going to be one already. Are you serious?????????? It does seem like you were just sitting and waiting.WOW.
Hope you sleep better tonight.
My goodness you will have to sew faster this month! That's a lot of projects. I LOVE that baby quilt! The little ones are darling, and so are their clothes - such sweeties!
Very cute baby quilt! Love it! Can't wait to see your Civil War Tribute. I am being "good" this year and trying to stay away from BOMs (we'll see how long I last). Very sweet photo of the grands!!!! This month is going to be over before we know it!!!!
Holy Cow woman -- you better get off of this computer and get to work!!! Love the new baby quilt finish -- and those babies are just adorable. I love to smock -- you're DIL is sure doing a beautiful job!
Oh Carol...your little ones are growing up so fast! They are just adorable!
I can't wait to see all of your projects! I know that I won't be able to keep up w/you.
Have a good weekend,
I have been drooling over that Civil War Tribute quilt when I see it. I am glad you are going to do that. But wait a minutes. I will be looking at it all year and wishing I were making it. Have to think about this a little bit.
Smocking. I love little kids wearing smocked items. I played with it a little bit years ago. You can do some intricate designs with it. I hope Katie keeps it up.
A cute photo of the kids. And it is hard to believe that Camden will soon be a year old.
Lucky you're so motivated, as you have a lot to do!
I'm completely in love with pinwheels these days....I bet Mom AND baby love this piece....
You always have great projects...and even better...you always finish them all! So you're a great motivation for me! Those kids are just too cute, too!
what is the pillowcase hole in the wall for?
Is it for anyone?
You go girl - you've got lots on the February list. The picture of the babes is just adorable. Smocking I think is really an art and hers looks wonderful,
Hugs - Karen
Has it really been a year?!!! They are just adorable and the new little quilt is perfect for b-day #1!
the smocking is just sooo beautiful
I did that when the girls were little
they are getting big, can't beleive she is going to be a year old, how did that happen???
oh the schnibbles pattern for this month is great, one I would love to do too.
maybe in 30's?
or patriotic?
we missed the snow by about a 1/2 hr!
lucky us! have a great weekend
Wow, that's quite a list, but just a couple more sleepless nights and you'll be done!
I can understand why you would sign up for the Civil War Tribute BOM, it's amazing, Good Luck!
Love the pictures of the kids, adorable!!
I love your projects that you've picked, and your grandkids are the sweetest.
Oh, I forgot...it IS a short month! I better get going then :) YOur birdie quilt is going to be great...can't wait to see pictures.
That is an impressive list for the month!
Oh they are absolutely adorable!
My goodness, your goals are many!
Love them all buy my favorite photo you shared is of the Little People. How absolutely adorable!!
Smocking - what a talent! I'm in awe.
Wow-lots planned for February! Love the pics of the little ones - they are so big! The smocking is beautiful!
There's something so very sweet about smocked children's clothing *s* The new pic is darling.
Whew! You are a very busy girl with a lot of quilting to do. But those grand babies of yours are the real eye candy in this post, such sweethearts they are!
You are going to be very busy this month.
Sweet little children.
What a great picture and that smocking is awesome!!!
I love your new civil war BOM just beautiful :) And that baby quilt is adorable!
I think I once again missed the Charming girls date...I'll have to check. Shoot February is practically over already!!!
What a darling picture of Camden and Josh.....love her smocking! You have been busy. The baby quilt is so cute, looks like late night quilting is the way to go. Have fun with all your projects.
How adorable...the quilts and the children!!! I need to learn how to smock!!! XXX
I can see why you flipped over that civil war quilt - it's awesome! I always hesitate on block-of-the-month patterns. I tend to get about 1/2 way into it and then I get DISTRACTED. Well, you'll get 'er done I know so can't wait to see it.
Great goals for Feb. I love the baby quilt. I've also resisted the BOM this time around. Those two little ones are so adorable.
Wow are you busy sewing! The baby quilt looks so cuddly and cozy, I love it.
Have you seen the quilting inspirations at www.WeAllSew.com yet? Lots of great links to quilting stuff and other quilters on the web!
What great projects, Carol. Can't wait to see Birdie in Cameos, and I love your new BOM. The pinwheel quilt is too darn cute - and those grandkids are cutie pies, too! Wishing you a great month of sewing!
Awwwww I love those cute little smocked outfits. Such adorable children.
Love that baby quilt, and all your projects you have lined up!! All yummy fabrics. Look at your two sweeties..I just love that picture.
I´ve seen your lovely work and I thought maybe you´d like a thread organizer, check this ;)
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