February Goals...
13 Pillowcases for Hole in the Wall Gang...Done and mailed off...I forgot to take a picture.
Sunday Best Schnibble...Done
Cameo for Camden cut...Done and I even got the blocks sewn and the top laid out
Civil War Tribute BOM blocks...DONE
I'm really excited about my extra project this month. As you've seen on Kelly's blog, she's launched her own pattern company and I was a very lucky girl...I got to test a pattern for her
Woo hoo, a block buster month!
Carol, you get the Gold for getting so much done!!!
Good for you...you accomplished a lot and they are all great! That is a cute pattern Kelly designed.
Wow, you had a great month! Everything looks wonderful and I especially love the test quilt!
many great finishes,,,great job
Wow! you did a lot.... again top of the line projects! Great finihes and yes I give you gold also!
Wonderful, wonderful finishes - way to go, my friend.
the quilts are beautiful. I especially love Cameo for Camden.
Very productive month. The quilt pattern you tested for Kelly is very good! Is the quilt yours or hers?
You surely did get a lot done in a short amount of time! Love the quilt you tested for Kelly!
I love the test quilt Carol. I really want to make that one.
Congratulations Carol! Your projects look great!
Carol..you are the quilting queen!
BTW-Camden is going to love that quilt!
Pretty good going for a short month Carol! I'm not surprised you enjoyed doing the pinwheel quilt, it looks fantastic and I've enjoyed seeing your schnibble too.
Wow,they are all awesome and I especially like the new designer quilt, great job!! :D
WOW Carol. I have that Cameos pattern but haven't done that yet and I love the ME Santa. You did a great job.
Hi Carol..and YOU expect me to pick a favorite? I don't think so ....
I'm sure Kelly was so thankful that you helped her out. You did her proud!!
Oh Carol - you rock! You got a lot done! I love your Schnibbles, and Camden's quilt - so bright and cheery! And, your blocks are great - and you did all those pillow cases, too! And, you still found time to be so kind, and test my pattern. YOU'RE AWESOME, CAROL! REALLY AWESOME! Thanks again for your help!
Great finishes and how fun to be an official pattern tester!
Wow, you got a lot done and that pinwheel quilt is great.
This just showed up on my reader today...I LOVE Camden's quilt, so fun, she's gonna luv it! The schnibbles is great too! How fun to be an "official" pattern tester :) You had a great month!
WOW! I am impressed with all your accomplishments....they are gorgeous!
wow, you sure have been busy!!!! beautiful...all of them!!!!!
Wow Carol!!! Great job on all your wonderful projects! Love that quilt you tested for Kelly!
Oh that test quilt you did is adorable! I love the colors!
Wow.....you have gotten so much done! I especially love Camden's quilt. How will you have it quilted? She is going to loveit.
I leave for a few days and seriously get behind on my blog reads! Some awesome finishes here! I just finished quilting my Sunday Best...with some circles. :-)
Came to see your Schnibbles, love your fabric choices.
Wow....amazing finishes. With the baby excitement the past week I didn't get to post MY finish. Oh well, I guess there was just TOOOO much going on!!!
Wow, this is a beautiful blog, you did a great job!!
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