Spring has sprung for sure...everything here is popping out. The azaleas are prettier this year than I've seen them.

I don't know if it's because we had such a cold, wet winter, but that's the only thing that's been really different. I complained when it was so icky all winter but I'm sure loving the flowers now.

My roses are blooming also...I don't think I've ever had roses this early...

I finished my Jelly Roll Sampler block the other day,

and just didn't get to the computer to post it...I'm really having fun doing these blocks...I think this will be a charity quilt...
My plan is to be back here tomorrow to post my Charming Girl goals for March...I'm going to try to be a little early this month.
I was certain the flowers were going to bloom here too. For the past two weeks we have had beautiful weather then today in a matter of two hours the temperature went from +8C to a -2C and a good 5 cm snow came down.
Oh well better now than in May when we still have our snow tires on!
I love your Jelly Roll block and I too am enjoying making them. I had the same thought....that I would donate this quilt.
Just this morning, I posted complaining that we are having lousy spring weather and you have posted about all the blooms you have. Stayed cloudy most of the day here on the coast. We do have some flowers blooming but the winter weather damaged a lot of plants.
Oh I love the way that Spring has sprung!
Love your jelly roll block.
Enjoy your weekend!
Will you please send spring my way? Your flowers are GORGEOUS. Love your block!
GOrgeous flowers...Love the green color in your block. Quilt bunches this weekend.
Lovely flowers!! My daffodils bloomed and then got too cold so they are drooping. Can't wait for the dogwoods and azaleas bloom here. Love your block! I need to sew mine tomorrow.
Beautiful flowers Carol! I'll bet your weather is really pretty now -- it's still cold up here!
can you send some of those flowers up here please!!!!
its till cold here.
I am seeing signs of spring BUT not like this!
The flowers are so pretty! Still lots of snow here, but it is above freezing now, so it is starting to melt, which means it is REALLY WET outside- I am so looking foreward to see some flowers around here again!
Your block is so cute as well!
Wow it is amazing to me that you have flowers blooming and looking so pretty already...my daff's are up but haven't bloomed yet. I'm sure they'll wait until the day before a cold snap to bloom so they can be all wilty...happens almost every year! I think cold/snowy winters help stuff bloom too. I love your jelly roll block, I'm making them too, they are so fun and fast which is sometimes just the ticket! have a great weekend!
We had a bit of snow yesterday morning so it was a delight to see your beautiful flowers!!
Cute block too!!
Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing! I am anxiously watching my tulips and daffodils come through the earth, teasing me with thoughts of spring. Your JR quilt block is great...I have yet to start mine.
Wow, roses already! Lucky you! The flowers look gorgeous! I think I've got a month to go until I see color.
Great job on block #2!
Our azaleas haven't bloomed yet and I always say I'm going to plant more when they are in bloom.
Love your jelly roll blocks.
Your flowers are beautiful!! I have heard that cold weather is good for Spring bloom...too bad I don't have anything to bloom this year...pulled everything out :(
My azaleas are blooming better and richer looking than ever before. Everything seems to be greener this year. Hopefully one of these days I will post some pictures.
Yay! for spring. It is fun to see those jelly roll blocks around blogland.
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