Well, now I know that only a little over a week has passed since I posted my goals, but I'm very happy to report that my self-care goals are coming right along...went to the gym on Tuesday, and we're going again tomorrow...I was so thrilled that after going on Tuesday I was able to get out of bed today without lots of sore muscles, since it's been a year since I've been...I told Mr. Brown Quilts that I'd be going again tomorrow. We walked Sunday, today and plan to go again on Friday. Thank you Kelly for challenging us to take care of ourselves.
Now for my book report...here's what I read while mom and I were at the beach...
These is My Words...
...what an incredible book. If you like historical, you'll love this. It's the fictionalized diary based on the real life exploits of Sarah Agnes Prine...the great grandmother of the author. I never wanted to put this one down...I needed to know what happened next.
Looking For Salvation at the Dairy Queen...
....what a delight...if you like Fannie Flagg's style of writing,
Fried Green Tomatoes,
Can't Wait to Get to Heaven,
Standing in the Rainbow...you're going to love this one.
Firefly Lane...

...a story of true friendship that stood the test of time and all the things that life sent there way. I really liked it!
I started
Between Sisters...

...I'm about half way through and it's very good...nice light reading...it's a perfect summer book.
I'm hoping to have something quilty to post next time...and I've also done a little more cleaning...found some bundles that I'll be putting up. I'll be back soon!
glad you enjoyed your reading over vacation. I'm going to have to get Between Sisters.
good for you working out again. Getting back in the groove is the hardest part, staying in the groove is the next hardest part. :)
Love book ideas...thanks for the reviews!
Read all but Looking For Salvation at the DQ. I have it on reserve at my local library. Right now I am reading Alice's Tulips. Happy reading!
sounds like there are a few more books to add to my list (next up for me is The Help), thanks for the ideas. I'm also very glad that you are practicing self-care!
Good for you on taking care of yourself! We'll be joining the Y soon, and hopefully I'll be swimming my way to fitness.
I loved the Sarah Prine books - are you going to read the next two? I could NOT put them down. Good stuff!
These is My Words is one of my favorite books. Be sure to read the next two--Sarah's Quilt and The Star Garden. I'd like to read Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen. Thanks for the reviews.
Thanks for the additions to my book list. I do like Kristen Hannah and have read some of her earlier books.
I really liked These is My Words. There are 3 books in that series - the second is " Sarah's Quilt " and the third I believe is The Star Garden. You will enjoy them too if you have not read them.
I will have to check out Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen.
Warmest regards,
I'm reading These is My Words too. It is a real "can't-put-it-down" book as you say. I am having to be quite strict with myself, else I would just curl up and read and read till it's finished, and forget about the rest of the world!
I do enjoy hearing book reviews from quilting bloggers.
I've been away, but now I'm back. Looks like you've been devouring those books. Some interesting titles I'll have to check. Have a great day, Carol.
These is my Words is one of my most favorite books. I've even had all of my daughters read it. Have you read the other 2 in Nancy Turner's series?
I read these is my words about 2 years ago. I so loved it! And the next 2 are just as good!
Love the book suggestions. I was glued to the Sarah Prine books. They were wonderful. Way to go on your goals. That inspires me.
So glad you got to enjoy so much reading! And, thanks for sharing about the great reads with us!
"These is Is My Words" has been sitting on my book shelf for ages, your the second person to mention it lately, I've got to get going on that book!
Thanks for the other book reviews!
These Is My Words is probably in my top ten books. I love it. The two sequels are good too, but I liked TIMW the best by far.
I really liked Salvation also - you're right, it is very reminiscent of Fannie Flagg, yet still has its own flavor.
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