Thursday, October 28, 2010
A New Addition to Our House
Don't think I could be any more excited...last Friday I test drove a Janome Memory Craft 6600...I knew I was going to like it a lot because I'd sewn on Lynda Hall's machine when we were working on the cancer project. Then I heard from lots of you that have one how much you love it. So yesterday, we went and picked it up
...I've been a Bernina girl for probably 30 years...I have a 20+ year old Bernina 1230 that I have put thousands and thousands of miles on over the's been a GREAT machine. When I had it in for it's yearly spa treatment back in May, my service guy called me to tell me he had some bad news...there was some major gear that was almost worn make it worse, he can't get parts for it anymore...well, maybe he could locate it on EBay, but it just wouldn't make any sense to put that kind of money in to this old machine. I brought it home and sewed away on it for several more months...last month it started making really bad noises...just like he said. So I had a ceremony and put it safely in its case...out came the 30 year old sews like a dream but I really want it to be my backup machine not my full-time here it is... new machine...Mr. Quilt Holder snuck in with the camera and took a picture of me putting the first mile on her...
...looking forward to putting thousands of miles on her.
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Congratulations! I'll be very sad when either of my Pfaff's wear out-but I intend to do just that and wear 'em out!
congrats on your new baby. i hope you get miles on her.
Your new machine sounds wonderful! Your 1230 is more than likely worth putting the money into anyway though. Those old Berninas are true workhorses. I will keep mine up as long as possible.
Enjoy the Janome! I sewed on one at the quilt show and loved it.
Congratulations, Carol!
I hope she brings you miles and miles of happiness, and many, many quilts.
I have heard of nothing but good reports about this machine....I am so excited for you!!
That's awesome. This is the same machine I have and I love it. Have fun sewing.
What a wonderful new addition..Congratualtions! I am so glad to hear about the many miles you had with your Bernina because I am about to move over to that line. I have been a Husqvarna girl for a few years now but it is time for a change. I put in my order to Santa..Hope he comes through I promise to be good!
You look really good at the machine. It really fits you. Enjoy!
Oh how exciting and fun!! You're scaring me though lol!! Although my 1230 didn't really get much use while my mom had it so hopefully I'll get many more years out of it! I can't wait to hear how the Janome compares. I need a back up machine and have looked at one of their little ones but have remained undecided. They are so much more reasonably priced than Berninas.
Janine's mom sews on one of the upper range Janomes I don't remember which one but she loves it and has had it for a long time!
Have fun playing with it!!!!
Congratulations! I love mine. Best purchase ever! There is a wonderful Yahoo group, the 6500/6600. Super tips and discussions. Enjoy
Carol! How exciting. I'm so happy for you. You really got me with the title. For a second... I wasn't sure. :) Warm friendly joyful smiles and a hug, *karendianne.
WOW...shes beautiful...have you named her yet??
Congrats on your new partner. It looks like it has a larger surface area to work on. Hope you have many happy years enjoying it:)
Youre going to love it. Ive got the 6500 and she runs like a dream.
Congratulations on your new machine! I have my eye on the 6600, too. Can't wait to read your review of it!
I've had several Janome machines - keep trading up - and have loved them all! blessings, marlene's such a great machine!
How great. I remember getting my newest machine and how excited I was. You and she will have years of fun.
WooHoo! Welcome to the Janome family. I wish you lots of years of happy sewing with your new addition. You already know how much I love my 6600. :-)
Oh wow! Enjoy it!
WOOOO HOOOO - I think your going to get lots of miles out of your new treasure - sometimes a girl just has to splurge - enjoy :)
Congratulations - you'd better put your seat belt on, lol!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new machine, I am sure you're sewing up a storm by now....
Congratulations!! I love, love, love my Janome MC6600. In fact, I love it so much that I bought a second one! LOL I keep the second one at my friend's house for our sewing days so I don't have to pack and unpack my main machine that I use at home. I hope you love your new friend as much as I love mine!
Happy Trails.........oops, I mean "Happy Miles"...LOL
How fun, Carol. A perfect new addition!
Congratulations and good luck with your new machine..:O)))
Congrats! She's a beauty.
Congrats on your new machine - may you have many, many happy years together!
Ohh Dear, I also have a 1230 and love it, I am hoping mine keeps going too. One thing I have always loved is how smooth the fabric moves through the feed dogs and the 1/4 inch is so accurate because of this.
Enjoy your new machine and all the new features.
I love my Janome 6600! I hope you love yours too!
Enjoy your new friend. Maybe your old Bernina can become an organ donor to help others stay on the road *s*
Oh congratulations on your new machine! What a happy day to have a new toy to play with. Hope you get millions of miles out of this one too.
Congrats on your new machine. Have fun.
I hope you love your 6600 as much as I do. Don't forget to join the 6500/6600 yahoo group. It is a wealth of information, for new owners. This machine has a few quirks and the yahoo group helps you to easily navigate through those.
oh, yay! have fun sewing miles on your new machine!!!
Oh - love the picture of you putting on that first mile! I had a 6500 Memory Craft and loved it, and recently upgraded to the 6600! Seriously Carol - I think you'll just love it - the auto scissor cutters are the bomb (smile)! Enjoy!
How very fun!!!!
I have a Pfaff....and my side kick is a 1946 Singer Featherweight. :)
Congratulations on your new addition! I've had one just like that for 3 years and am so glad I waited for everything on my wishlist to be in one machine.
that thread holder guide thingy is meant to be standing up at the back of your machine :) Enjoy your new machine
I bought the 6500P and have it on a quilting frame. Then I bought the 6600P and LOVE the machine. I sew on it everyday!
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