I tried something different today...I uploaded my pictures through Picasa...let's see if this works...I wanted to share a little notion with you...I've seen these on several blogs, then I checked them out and realized that they were kind of pricey...35 fork pins for $9.99...I guess I was trying to be frugal and I kept telling myself that I can do the very same thing with 2 pins...well, I had a 50% off coupon at Joann's and I was in there for rotary blades and machine needles that were already 50% off...I spotted these and thought, this is the time to try them. Well I'm here to tell you...they work, they really, really work.

They held those seams together so that my half square triangle units went right together...

...the points are all there...YIPPEE! I'm not a notion or gadget girl, I think I've probably told you before I'm a pretty simple sewer...nothing fancy, so this was really extravagant for me...I'm very pleased with the result.
Here is section 1 of Civil War Chronicles...

...month 1-3...I'm thrilled with how this one is going together, and I really like it that they're having us put it together as we are going along. It doesn't look like it in this picture but this section is big...the blocks are 16 inches finished... this section is 48 inches. This is a quarter of the quilt...it's going to be huge.
Here's Month 11 of the Designer BOM from The Fat Quarter Shop...
...this sure was a fun one...I can't believe there's only one more block and this BOM will be done. I'll have from May until December to get it put together, quilted and the binding on...I think I may have a new quilt for Christmas...thank you Fat Quarter Shop!
And last for today...the finished top from the blocks my friend Beth gave me...
...Mr. Quilt Holder was having a time with this one today, the wind kept blowing, he apologizes for this not being his best holding job...LOL! Thank you Beth again and again...I just love it!
OK, I think this worked...I only had one challenge and that was when I saved the draft to go do something and it switched from a Picasa screen to the Blogger screen...but Lori from Humble Quilts reminded me that I could always go back to the HTML tab and move the pics around with that...I only had this last one to move and it worked...thanks everyone for all your help. I will try the Blogger Editor again when I have some time to play with it. It truly does take a village!
I'm not a gadget/notion girl either but I've seen many using the fork pins. Glad to know they work well. Gorgeous section of your Civil War quilt. Wow! Darling little basket block too.
What a beautiful quilt your Civil War Quilt is going to be. I am guilty of loving gagets and even more so when you see they work well.
Happy Easter.
Love your projects. The basket block is adorable. Hugs.
Your Civil War blocks are beautiful so far- look forward to seeing the finished top.
You've been a very busy gal! Good job! I, too, have seen those pins...may have to bite the bullet and go out for some...I might be sold on 'em, now.
Thanks for your review of the pins. I've always meant to give them a try, now I'll be sure to!
Love all your projects! The CW quilt is going to be spectacular!! That quilt would definitely be difficult to make in my small house. I bet it ends up bigger than my house! I love fork pins. They are my favorite notion and I carefully make sure they all end up back in the little case (and I don't loan them to anyone hee hee)
You have been a busy stitcher. The quilt held by your husband is wonderful! I always like the quilts with the little light squares running through it. Makes for a lot of stitching.
I have some of those fork pins somewhere. I bought them for a different use. I think it was when Alex Anderson showed how she pins her quilt tops to her carpet doing the basting part of a quilt. Or maybe that was T pins she used. I purchased both. I need to look for them.
Wow, I love that last quilt. The colours are gorgeous.
What would we do without our quilt holders. Mine has the patience of Job.
Beautiful, everything is just beautiful. Here your saying you can't believe only one more month of the FQS Christmas block of the month and I'm thinking I cant believe I haven't even made one of the blocks.
I tried those fork pins when they first introduced and didn't care for them - I think I need to try them again. :-) You got great results.
Love the basket block.
Look at your Civil War Chronicles progress - applause, applause!
Second Hand Clothes is wonderful, wonderful. Mr Quilt Holder did a great job. LOL
WOW for the CW quilt! I can't wait to see it all done.
Hooray for Picasa! I think I'm going to have to break down and get some fork pins, my points are rubbish always. I'm a pretty simple sewer too, but you're the second person in two days to mention these.
That CW quilt is going to be GORGEOUS. It already is! And I love the little basket block, so cute. Your finished top is just splendid - I think Mr. QH did a marvelous job holding it. Really a beautiful quilt. I'm glad the pictures uploaded for you, I'm thrilled to see what you've been creating!
I just got those pins too!! Great to hear you like them. well, I'm a total gadget girl!! Love your blocks and your top is beautiful!
What a cute finished top...and love al the projects you are working on....
I wanted to pick out my favorite project-- but can't! they are all beautiful...You've been busy. I'm going to have to give the fork pins a shot... I've never seen them before. anything to ease working with half sqaure triangles has got to be a keeper.
Beautiful projects! I LOVE your civil war quilt.
Wow -- that Civil War quilt IS going to be big. It looks so cool -- I can't wait to see it all Carol. And I love that your quilt holder is so conscientious about his work LOL!
Love all of your projects! I am making the Civil War Chronicles too, and love that we already have the center together.
Oh Carol, I'm totally into notions. It's a "thing" with me. I've seen these pins but never tried them. Although I am into notions - I'm so CHEAP! I might have to reconsider. Lovin' your CWC. I'm signed up for that one as well. Signed up. Aka: collecting. It sure is pretty though, isn't it? I understand this one is much nicer than the one from last year which I didn't do either.
Another beautiful Civil War quilt for you! I agree, putting that beast together in sections is brilliant and a wonderful change of pace.
I thought perhaps Kimberly would save the ugly blocks for last, boy was I wrong, that basket may be my favorite yet!
Your friend's blocks found their perfect home, great job~
Great post! So are those fork pins for HST?
Wow - your Civil War Chronicles quilt is just fabulous!
I'll have to check out the fork pins. I'm not a big gadget girl either.
I love your CW center. That is going to be an amazing quilt!
the quilt is beautiful...thank you to Mr Brown quilts!!!
so pretty.
the basket block is adorable
glad your back home and posting!
WOW......your productiveness puts me to shame (G)!!! Thanks for sharing all of your lovely projects. They are gorgeous!!! XXXX
I like Picassa. Don't know how to do much in it, but I manage to get my pictures cropped and posted! The CW quilt is gorgeous!
It's always fun to hear a report on a useful tool. Your blocks look great!
I have wondered about those fork pins!! You have me sold, and I have a 40% off coupon to JoAnn's that is burning a hole in my pocket! Love your Chronicles quilt as well as the quilt from your friend.
Thanks for the tip on the fork pins...I will give them a go. LOL..Mr. Quilt Holder is funny. The quilt is gorgeous.
Look at you go - my goodness. Love, love, love your Civil War Chronicals - and all the blocks too. And, that quilt that Mr. Quiltholder is showing -so pretty too. Thanks for sharing about those pins - just got a JoAnn's coupon -so I'll have to give them a try.
I am not a pinner...but these pins may change my mind, LOL!! Love your quilts, and your designer block...so pretty!
I love your quilt, it looks really great! Are you going to hand quilt or machine qilt?
Have a great weekend,
You have been working on some great thing.
Wow! the civil war blocks! Wow!
Love the basket block. They are my favorite blocks.
I have seen those fork pins. I keep trying different pins. I have quite a collection.
Love your Civil War creation. Beautiful work!
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