Sunday, November 18, 2012

Caught up in Rehab and More

I'm happy to say that this has been a good week...all caught up with my Fat Quarter Shop BOM...thank you Sinta for
Here's the most recent was a fun one to do...

And for a tool endorsement...I don't think I've ever liked a tool better than this's the little rotating Fiskars cutting mat.

It's so little that it will sit on the small spot right next to my machine but large enough to do the little trimming I need to do.  I've had other ones, too big, too small, don't rotate...this one is just right.  I LOVE if you want to give yourself a treat, this is a perfect one.  Thank you Darlene for sending this little gem to me.

I resisted and resisted and resisted Lori Holt's Row Along...and then Sherri posted her row of cups and I couldn't resist any longer...I was chatting with Darlene and she said the same thing, she loved the cups but the row of apples sent her over the yes, we've both jumped in...I got Row 1 done today
and I love it...tomorrow I'll cut Row 2...I'm making myself do these in order...I want to do the cups right now...but I'm going to be disciplined and do them in the correct order.  Thanks Lori, thanks Sherri and thanks Darlene for going on this journey with me...we're going to have some fun!


Kindred Quilts said...

Isn't it hard to resist all the fun things happening in quilt blog land?!? I don't think you can go wrong with participating in Lori's Row-a-long! Keep us posted!

Dianne Mitzel said...

I just bought the little mat with the cutter and tiny square up at Jo Ann's . Used my 60 off coupon, so it was really cheap. Haven't used it yet, but had the Farmer's Wife blocks in mind when I bought it. Love your blog so much..

Yvette said...

Look at you go! I can't believe you already did the first row of the row along. It is going to be adorable! I did my mystery block yesterday and added it to the first part. We are half way there.

Darlene said...

I knew you'd love your little mat - I love mine, too. :-)

Going on the Row Along journey with you will be fun.

Janet O. said...

Very pretty block, Carol.
I am actually on my second little rotating mat. I wore out the surface of my first one. But with a coupon at JoAnn they are very reasonable and SO handy!!

Cheryl said...

Yes, love your block!!! You and Darlene are sure partners in crime!! It's so fun to see what you two have going!!!!

Josie McRazie said...

So glad you decided to strip...row along! I have to get my cups done! Cutecutecute!
Can intellect you that mat rocks! I am at the point I have to replace mine I use it so darn much! It has gouges in the corners of it from so much trimming! I would jot be without it. However I can say I have only used the small cutter a handful of times!

Carol said...

And here I was thinking I inspired you to join with pictures of my rows, LOL. Glad you're joining Lori's row along, I'm having fun with it, it's going to be the cutest quilt.

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, I love that rehab block! Have fun with the row along too!

Bev said...

Oh, you are going to love Lori's Row Along quilt! I'm thinking about starting four more so each of my granddaughters will have one by next Christmas. That's 5 rows every two weeks...shouldn't be that hard. It is so fun to do! So glad you joined us!

Cheery wave!


Sinta Renee said...

Congrats on being caught up on your BOM!!! and one of those rotating mats just got put on my wish list after using someone's at a retreat last month. I have been wanting to jump in and play in the Row Along too. So darn tempting. I had convinced myself that it was too late... but now...

StitchinByTheLake said...

I love Lori's quilt too but cannot allow myself to start it - I must!!! finish some of what I have started. :)blessings, marlene

antique quilter said...

this post made me laugh I am actually thinking of doing a whole quilt with just the mugs !

good look I will be watching and waiting to see the rows.

guess I need one of those mats, looks handy

Rinoplasti said...
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Sherri said...

I have never seen such a small rotating mat...looks like it would come in handy! So glad you are doing the row along too!

Jenny Watson Blogs said...
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Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I've seen the Lori's Rows popping up all over the blogs and you're right... they are extremely compelling; I'm a goner for the cups too! So far, I have resisted. I have a larger rotating mat and I love that one; however, I can see the value in the small one. I rationalize that every time I get up out of my sewing chair to trim or to press that I am getting exercise though... I would need to formulate another argument to change my thinking if I bought that little Fiskars cutie. Let me work on that!

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