Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Could Have Danced All Night

Yes that's just how excited I was when I finished this...

The Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery BOM 2012.  It was starting to get dark so the lighting isn't very good...sorry.  I allowed Andy out of the house to hold this up for me, it was a bit bigger than his wing span...and quite honestly, I think he was trying to peek around the quilt to survey the trees in the front yard.  He's already talking about what he needs to do next...someone help me please.


Gretchen said...

Sounds like Mr. Quilt Holder is thinking that your quilt would look better hanging up in a tree LOL! LOVE your finished quilt!!! This quilt was so much fun to do.

Michele said...

Beautiful! I do see him looking at the trees LOL :-)

Yvette said...

It looks great. He should have held it up from the tree. LOL

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Beautiful! His knee must feel so much better to be thinking about returning to the trees. ;-) Have a good evening!

Diane said...

I love it!

sunny said...

Beautiful quilt! Aren't you glad men are invincible and indestructible?

Jocelyn said...

Your quilt is beautiful! Hold reigns on that guy. I've got the same kind of guy!

Wendy said...

Fantastic! Great finish.

Terry said...

Congratulations! It looks wonderful! :0)

Janet O. said...

Great finish, Carol.
How do you make a man follow doctor's instructions? If you discover the secret, please share! : )

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on the looks great!

Darlene said...

Awesome finish, Carol. It's for me, isn't it? LOL

antique quilter said...

carol its so pretty, I love the colors, good for you finishing it....keep quilting and try not to watch what he is up to next!!!!

Kate said...

Looks great! I'm putting together the finishing kit while I wait for the last block to turn up.

Diane said...

Beautiful quilt!! congratulations on the finish.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yea! A finish! Woohoo!

Nedra said...

very cute Carol! The colors are happy and bright, and it's always fun to have a finish.

Kindred Quilts said...

It's a beauty! Congrats on the finish!

em's scrapbag said...

Always feels good to have a finish. Your's is lovely.

Ranch Wife said...

LOL - now I've got that song stuck in my head, but your quilt is certainly worth dancing over - just lovely!
Can you distract Mr. Quilt Holder? He sounds much like mine. My post was called, "Step Away From the Chainsaw". I was wore plumb out from hauling so much wood away. I told mine that if he didn't stop he was going to have to get a new wife and she probably would not know how to make his favorite cinnamon rolls like I do. :)

Cindy said...

I MORE THAN LOVE this one, Carol!!! You have done an outstanding job!!! And this is one way to keep Andy inside...LOL, holding up your beauties!!!

Cindy said...

I'm still having such trouble posting on blogs via Bloglovin. It was bad for a couple days but getting a tad easier. I had to actually put your blog's name in my search engine since I couldn't comment from bloglovin. It'll fix itself, I'm sure.

Beausoleil Quilts said...

The quilt is beaustiful. I have signed up for this years one- I hope it is as nice as yours is.

Joy said...

Beautiful! I love it!

Jeanna said...

I see you are still making the MOST beautiful quilts, Carol.

Happy to following your blog again.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Great job!! I have yet to finish my last block and then the finishing kit...I am inspired by your finish...can't wait to get mine done! :) Thanks for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Great job!! I have yet to finish my last block and then the finishing kit...I am inspired by your finish...can't wait to get mine done! :) Thanks for sharing. :)

Karen said...

It is beautiful - what a fun project.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It's beautiful... well done, I love the colors! Congratulations on the finish.

Cathy said...

Looking good. Mr. Quilt Holder has a full time job with you. Hugs

Abby and Stephanie said...

That sounds like a great name for your quilt! It's beautiful. Had we known about needing quilt holders before we got married we may have selected our husbands differently. Giggle. "Excuse me, please hold out your arms while I measure your wing span."

Cindy said...

I agree, Carol, loving this new sew-a-long!
Have a wonderful memorable time with family. It's great that Mr. Quilt Holder tends to your other "man". :-)