Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can you tell I need sleep?

I wrote an entry last night to tell you about my fun mail from Nicole...put up the pictures or so I thought and there were I deleted...but it showed up on anyone who read it there last night probably thinks I'm nuts because there were no pictures...So this morning I did the pictures again and posted, forgetting that I had deleted my post, so you don't know about my little girl...oh I must sleep.
Sharon, at, has been telling me for a while that I need one of these little girls. So off I went to Nicole's website and found this little one...she has little animals on her dress and so she had to come live with me. She's in my sewing room watching everything I do. She just makes me smile.


Red Geranium Cottage said...

Sleep is coming. Soon, very soon.

Yvonne said...

Hi Carol...your Annie is adorable. Hope you got caught up on your sleep.

Susan said...

What a cutie! Now I want one, too! Hope you got a chnace to catch up on the sleep.

Susan said...

BTW, the link didn't work. I got a hosting page.