Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Bags are Packed

My bags are packed...I'm ready to go...leaving on a jet plane...can you hear me singing? Yes, that's the sound coming from Central Florida...LOL!
I have everything ready, suitcases lined up, yes suitcases...I'm taking one with barely anything in it so it can come home FULL! Shhhhhhh, don't tell Andy my plan. LOL! Tomorrow at this time I'll be with Sharon...she's picking me up at the airport and we have 2 quilt shops to visit...could I be more excited...I DON"T THINK SO!
Have a wonderful week everyone and I'll be back online next Wednesday. I'm sure Sharon will fill you in on our escapades during the week.


Anonymous said...

How exciting! Have a safe trip, see you at the Road on Thursday!

Darlene said...

Have a very safe trip and remember to have lots and lots of fun. Take notes cuz I will expect a full report. LOL

Libby said...

Have a safe trip . . . see you Thursday! I can hardly wait *S*

Thimbleanna said...

WooHoo!!! Have a fabulous trip!!!

Cindy said...

Have a wonderful time Carol. We need to hear all you bought when you get back.

Karen said...

Have a rootin tootin good time. Hope that suitcase is stuffed to the gills with fun new treasures.

Hugs - karen

Yvonne said...

Have a safe trip....I know you're gonna have a ball once you land. :)

Juliann in WA said...

Have a great time! Don't forget to look for Civil War fabric!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I'm circling the airport waiting, waiting, waiting............ your room is ready, your bathroom is ready, your meals are all prepped, and your itinerary is all planned. SO COME ON!!!!! I'm ready to show you one good time. First stop, Gingers quilt shop to see Jane!! She's waiting.......

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time, I'm sure you'll have a blast with Sharon. I wanted to thank you for the book that you gifted to Darlene, that she in turn gifted to me. Such a sweet surprise.

Melanie said...

have a blast!!! Take tons of pictures!!!

tami said...

Have a great time. Can't wait to see what treasures you find.

Nan said...

My lips are sealed.........it's exactly what I would've done, too! Great minds, you know!