OK, you've been warned...you all know from over the past 2 years of blogging that my quilts are usually Civil War repros, darks and plaids, 30's...but never brights unless I'm doing something for Hampton. I did Hampton's 2nd birthday quilt...I am so excited...I cut it yesterday afternoon...got it all together today and the back sewn together and ready for the quilter. This was so easy and so fun...I used a pattern from Country Threads..."Couch Quilt" and a group of fabric from MODA (probably a year or so ago) "Wild Things". There's a story behind this whole thing. Josh's favorite book when he was 2 was
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. He got it from the library every time we went. Thankfully the library had several copies, so we could return one and check out another one, since we could only renew once. We read that book every night. He loved it. We left him with my mom and dad one evening and he took the book with him. He had Nana read it to him...mom said he was falling asleep in her lap as she was reading so she decided to turn 2 pages at a time...a little voice piped up...No Nana, and he got her on the right page. So Hampton will be getting his very own copy of the book, so they don't have to return it, and a quilt full of wild things.

Sorry about the big wrinkle...I held this time and my man took the picture...my arms aren't as long so I was pulling it a bit I think. Here's a closeup of the funny monsters on the front

And here's the back

It was a very fun day!
You know how I LOVE mail! Well, after a very dreary day today, tropical storm Fay made it a yucky day, I went to the mailbox and WOWSER...did I ever get a treat. I was expecting a charm pack in the mail from Tammy...I was a big copy catter and told her that I really wanted to make that fun quilt she showed last week with the Hopscotch fabric...being the sweetie that she is...she said she had an extra charm pack and a half and that she would be glad to send it to me....as you can guess I was thrilled. The mail came today and the priority envelope was FAT! Look at all the treasures...a wonderful 2009 calendar and matching notepad, the artwork on these is just outstanding...a bar of peach soap made with olive oil, oh my hands will be in heaven...a bar of lemongrass soap, it smells sooooooo good and a package of John James embroidery needles...I've seen many of you talk about these needles on your blogs, but there isn't anywhere around here that sells them...now I have my very own.

Thanks Tammy...you made my week.
I've gotten several e-mails today checking to make sure we're OK with this crazy storm...all is well...we've had rain most of the day and we're supposed to get more tonight with some wind...but surely not as bad as it could be. Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty yucky too...this storm is moving very slowly...just wants to hang around. Sounds like another sewing day...YIPPEE!
What a FUN quilt for Hampton! I am sure he will love it and love you for making it especially for him :o)
Hope you and Karen are going to hang in there with all that rain and don't float away! Take care! And by the way... THAT is the way to have a good mail day, huh?
What a great quilt! Hampton is going to look adorable all wrapped up in it!
Well isnt that Tammy something else?? Great package!!! My hands are dry too. SHARE!!! LOL!!
WOW that quilt is a bright one!! But Hampton will love it.
that book was a favorite here too!
what a great quilt, very fun.
He is going to love this quilt.
Wow that was sure nice of her to send you all those wonderful presents, isn't mail the greatest!
Wait, wait, wait - is Hampton going to be two - already????? Really???? Oh my goodness!
The quilt is adorable and I love the story about the book.
Look at all those fabulous goodies you got from Tammy. You know she's my little sister, don't you? :-)
....And not to mention the charm pack! What a way to brighten an otherwise gloomy day. Have fun with your quilting and looks like Hampton will be the envy of all with his speciality quilt.
I love fun packages in the mail. How fun. We had a lady come to our quilt group and she made quilts designed around some children's books. They were so cute. This one fits perfectly with that idea. What a great loving gift.
Wow! That is a wild quilt. Hampton will love it.
My oldest grand-daughter had to watch "The Wizard of Oz" movie every day for quite a period of time when she was little. Now she doesn't remember a thing about having done that nor that she liked the movie so much.
You sure cleaned up on the goodies that came in the mail! The "Knit & Stitch" shop in Cocoa Village has a selection of John James needles if you want more.
What a lucky lil' guy to have such a great, fun quilt. Lemongrass soap, ummm, heavenly.
LOVE that monster fabric! My kids loved that book as children. My grandson isn't quite the age yet for that book yet but soon maybe. I'll have top get him his own copy and make him a quilt to go with it.
What fun fabric - makes the perfect quilt for your little guy and a great story (and book) to go along with it. So glad to hear that the storm didn't cause big damage . . . stay safe and don't float away in the rains *s*
That is such a cute monster quilt, I love that fabric. And what a cute story about Josh. Daniel would do the same thing with The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I was always trying to skip parts and he would catch me lol!
Hampton's going to love it :)
I'm glad you liked your mail goodies, I've definitely enjoyed my mail box goodies from you :)
What a great quilt with such a sweet story behind it. Hampton will LOVE it. Great mail day for you..what a sweetie Tammy is! So glad you are doing OK with the weather.
What a fun quilt. We need these every once in awhile to keep things interesting. Glad you made it through Faye.
How I LOVE the quilt for Mr. Hampton! It is gorgeous, Carol! He will love it I know.
What a wonderful gifts from Tammy! I love the Hopscotch fabric line, too, and have 2 charm packs just waiting for me!
I am so relieved to hear you and Andy are doing well - I've been thinking a lot about you and the boys. It has been pouring rain here, too, and I love to listen to the rain while I'm sewing!
Where The Wild Things Are was one of my favorite books too! Your Grandson will just love this "Wild" quilt!
How cute is that?? Hampton is going to take that everywhere he goes!
Oh that looks like such fun for Hampton! As a former preschool teacher, I read that book a zillion times and love it. What a sweet gift for him!
Thanks for your kinds words. David has traveled a lot with this job - this just came out of the blue though and is not what he signed up for. He left a REALLY good job for this one because of the 50% increase in pay and what we thought was less travel. Oh well - he'll be bale to retire on or before his 60th birthday in a few years and I am already retired so we are keeping that goal in mind.
Glad to hear you are OK with the storm!!
Cute, cute quilt! Hampton will just love it, especially the fabric it is made from. I hope you are still doing ok with the weather. I have thought about you but hadn't checked on you yet.
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