The boys have been very happy that we've gotten back on our walking schedule and our playing outside time is almost back to normal...the yard is still so wet that they don't get to stay out too long...don't want any accidents. That was truly the hardest part, getting them out. We had our slickers, umbrellas were no help at all, the boys would get soaked and with all their lab underhair it would be hours before they dried out and then it would be time again. Well, then we would run out with them in between the bands of rain......we had a little window of opportunity to get the dogs out Thursday afternoon. We were walking pretty fast and I hit a patch on the sidewalk that had a bunch of mold on it and I slipped and went right down on the sidewalk. Landed on my hip first and then my hand and elbow. Andy was walking in front of Howie and I...Howie kept walking and got next to Carol...hmmm? He turned around and saw me on the sidewalk and the first words out of his mouth..."What are you doing down there?" Then he came rushing to me and I'm yelling at him not to run...I didn't want him fall on the sidewalk too...then we really would have been in a mess. I got myself together and figured out that I was OK and he got me up...we didn't get very far and it started raining again...added insult to injury. I was already starting to stiffen up by the time we got in the house, so we filled up my big tub, turned on the jets and got me in it. I think I sat in there for half an hour...I truly think that saved me. I wasn't moving too fast on Friday, but I was getting around and by Saturday I was good. My hip is pretty bruised and I know it's there everytime I sit down...but I'm FINE! Sure could have been a whole lot worse...again we were very fortunate.
I got some sewing done...I got lots of blocks done for my Hopscotch is so darn much fun...
Then last week Doe had beautiful quilt on her blog that inspired me...she used Ava Rose fabric and I decided I had Roman Holiday fabric that I had planned something else for but I had what I need to do this I started making stars...
Thanks Doe! I'm having fun!
Have a wonderful week everyone...I think we're going to be back to normal...YIPPEE!
Carol, my niece who lives in Crystal River said the past few days have just been awful. I am so glad that you didn't break anything when you fell. Glad that you had that whirlpool to get into because if not, you would have been more stiff and sore than you already are. Take care of yourself.
Those are going to be gorgeous happy quilts. Sorry that you had a fall, and glad it wasn't worse. Here in the Clermont area, we had a nice sunny day today for a change. Don't overdo, nows your chance to have some R and R.
So good to hear that the rain is finally moving on. I know from experience that Harper is most unhappy when we are under 'rainy day protocol' conditions. Take care of yourself and your sore hip - those kinds of falls can be very nasty.
Y'all have been going through some rough times with Fay. What a scare to fall, and I am glad you did not break anything.
Hopefully you are in for some better weather in the next few weeks.
So glad the worst is over :o) Hope your hip feels better!
I love those stars!!! And your hopscotch is looking cute too! You have been getting lots done in the rainy weather :) O.k I haven't the foggiest notion what a "feeder band" is...sounds kind of scary though lol!
Carol -- I'm glad you survived the "skiing" attempt on sidewalk. You could have really been hurt...Love the stars.. I printed out the pattern....
I'm glad it is drying out for you! We could use "some" of that rain here where I live, but that is ok, I will just put the sprinkler out on the lawn. Your quilt blocks look great! I love the Hopscotch blocks, they do look fun!
Ouch Carol! I hope you're feeling better today and I'm glad it wasn't much worse. I have a friend who was walking her dog on Thursday and she got tangled up in the leash -- fell on her hip and she's in the hospital now with a very bad hip fracture and surgery and pins and lots more un-fun stuff. Looks like you're having a grand time with all of your piecing!
Glad you weren't hurt worse than you were!
Your two new piecing projects are looking good. Funny how we change our minds about things. You never know what those fabrics are going to tell you what to do with them after they have been on the shelf a little while!
Ouch-a-roo, I'm sorry for you. Glad you could soak most of it away. Love those stars. It would be soooo very tempting to start them, but I'm really trying to finish things up. Really, seriously, but ohhh, I like them sew much.
I am so glad you didn't hurt yourself any worse than you did when you fell. That is one thing I don't miss about Houston, lol.
Love that hopscotch. Could we please pretty please have a close up of one of the blocks....and even a hint of the sizes...
on bended knee.........
Mercy me girly, glad to hear your okay after your tumble! OUCH! Getting in the tub was a great thing to do :O)... I can just see your DH looking back and you and saying "what are you doing down there" and then the split second it must have registered with him, you fell...These guys LOL..
Your new quilt projects are lovely! I am going to head over and take a look at that star pattern, Thanks for the link...
I cannot believe how big Hampton is already! They sure grow fast don't they! and my that snake at the zoo! ewww... though I am sure being a little boy he loved that!
Oh dear, it sounds like you've been having British weather,it's been like that all summer here!
A hot bath is always good for soreness. I'm glad it wasn't worse. Your blocks are looking wonderful.
Since I am a native Washingtonian, webbed feet are a way of life for me. When it gets too dry, my webs shrivel up - no fun! LOL
I'm sorry for your fall - the sidewalk is most unforgiving, isn't it? I'm so glad you weren't too badly hurt. I'm also glad to hear you didn't flood where you live. How awful for those people!!
I love the blocks you're working on, too - very pretty! I'll have to visit Doe's blog next.
I love the result of this work it´s great!
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