I'm happy to say that Hampton's little Fire Truck quilt is done and the back is all together...the backing is that black piece with the old fire trucks on it. I've had these 12 fat quarters and 4 yards for backing since the kids lived in Chicago...Hampton loved the fire station that was right down the street from their condo in downtown Chicago...so now in Birmingham he doesn't have a fire station close to him but he can have his own fire trucks right in his house.

The pattern is a Terry Atkinson...it's the cover quilt from her book Happy Hour...very, very quick and easy...really showcases those big prints.

So here's my report for this week...much better than last week...
Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 10.75 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 11 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 60.25yards
Total Busted: 49.5 yards
OK...that's it for me today! I'm heading to bed early...this time change has me all out of whack!
You know, I liked this fabric when it was out. I almost bought some, but opted for monkeys instead. I think this quilt is perfect for the prints. I bet he will adore it.
What a great quilt for your GS! I also love the one you made for your GD that's arriving soon.
I hope the weather where you are is warmer cos I'm going to be down your way later on this month....
what a great quilt for Hampton...he will love this to take a nap under or just watch a video with.
great boy quilt.....love that pattern.
I am seeing this pattern show up on lots of blogs lately. Hamption will just love it. Lil Miss's quilt is very sweet too. Aren't grandkids just the best - and sounds like you are doing great as grandma.
Very cute Carol! I love that pattern -- so fun to make and like you said, a great way to show off prints!
that is so cute - great stash busting report too.
Very cute. The stash pile is going down.
Hi, I'm Sabrina from Siena, Italy. Really compliments for your beautiful works!! They are really amazing!! Kiss, sabry
Boy, oh, boy, you're zooming along!
That's a wonderful design for your prints . . . . I'll have to tuck that idea away. I may just need to pull it out for a friend real soon *s*
I agree with Scrappy Quilter and your stash busting ways! Hampton's quilt is adorable...and oh he'll be so tickled to receive his with lil miss.
Oh, I love Hampton's new quilt - perfect! That's a great pattern. Must think about ordering that book.
And, by the way, you've certainly been very productive lately. I'm worn out watching you! :-)
I have some of the fabric also!! Hampton's quilt is great..he is going to love it.
Fabulous quilt for Hampton!
That is one cute quilt. Very boyisih!! I love that fabric.
Cute quilt. Congrats on the stash busting. You're doing good.
The quilt looks great! Good job on busting through your stash!!!
I haven't seen that fabric, but I love it! Perfect colors for a fire truck lovin' boy. It's a very cute quilt, Carol!
I have this book, and love the fabric you put together for that pattern.
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