Welcome to the world Little Miss...She arrived this morning at 10:20 CDT weighing 8 pounds 13 ounces and is 21 inches long. Everyone is doing great! Josh said Katie is just amazing and the baby is PERFECT! I can hardly wait to get there. They need me in 2 weeks so that's when we'll be heading up the road. I'm thinking this will be the longest 2 weeks of my life.
Sorry the quality of this picture isn't wonderful...she's just minutes old and Josh took it with his Blackberry...I was thrilled to get the picture...technology is wonderful!
Oh, I was hoping Josh would remember to take a picture soon after birth. I forget what name Lil' Miss is to have? Congratulations to all!
Awwww, would you look at that cutie? Congrats!
Congrats! What a cutie pie :^)
Welcome to the world Little Miss!
Congrats Carol!!! She's adorable. Ahhh to have a little pink running around. Heaven!!
so exciting
ohmy are you going to last for 2 weeks waiting?????
mailed your package today :)
How are you ever going to wait to see this little sweety?! Congrats Carol.....I can only imagine the joy I will feel when the day comes that a new little miss will join our family. Oh...be sure to keep us posted of what Hampton's thoughts are! Too fun....
She's absolutely adorable, Carol. Hampton is going to love her to pieces!
Congrats, Carol!!!! Oh, She is so cute as a button. :-)
Yay! Aren't new bubs just divine!
Congrats grandma, what a cutie
What a cute little baby. What's her name?
Congratulations! So excited for you. She's beautiful!
awwwwwwwww...so sweet. Congratulations.
What a little cutie.....I bet you can't wait to hold her!!! What fun you will have in 2 weeks.
Congratulations on such a little doll! Am looking forward to more pix. :D
Congratulations, she looks just like a little princess, she's adorable!
OMG!! So sweet!! YOU are going to LOVE having a little miss around!! Congratulations!! How long will you get to stay?
Marvellous!!!! Pink! Pink! PinK!
How wonderful for all of you, such a beauty!
Congratulations all around!
You are a lucky girl! Will enjoy seeing more photos of your sweet granddaughter in two weeks...I know, lol, a lifetime! :O)
Oh, congratulations Grandma! How very exciting!!!
Congratulations grandma. She is beautiful. Hope everyone is doing well.
This will be the longest two weeks ever. What a WAIT. Then you will have your visit and can hold that precious sweet little girl. What a JOY. Have a safe trip , nothing is better than babies, a special gift. Thank You for sharing her arrival and picture. I will keep visiting and watching her growth.
Blessings, Brook
Congratulations!! She is darling. Thanks for sharing and enjoy her while you are with her.
Yipee Carol!!! Congrats to one and all. I am just thrilled for you guys and I know how excited you will be to go and meet her in person.
Oh yummy yummy yummy! I love babies and girls especially! Congrats to the whole family! Make sure they send more pictures!!
How precious! Congratulations!
She is so precious! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! It's going to be a LONG 2 weeks.
Congratulations, Carol - she is beautiful!!!
Oh Carol - such happy happy news! She is beautiful! Enjoy enjoy!!
Congratulations! Aren't babies wonderful!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL!!! She looks perfect, and of course she is! Right Grandmama?
Congratulations on your new family member! It brings back memories of when our last little granddaughter was born and the thrill and wonder of it all! What a sweet blessing!
Congrads Carol! So cute!
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